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1 In 7 American Kids Live In Poverty 1

1 In 7 American Kids Live In Poverty

According to the Children’s Defense Fund, U.S. Census Bureau figures reveal that 1 in 7 American kids live in poverty, with over 11 million affected in 2021 due to caregiving costs, single parenthood, unemployment, and

CIA's Secret Plot To Takeover Social Media 1

CIA’s Secret Plot To Takeover Social Media

A new “Twitter Files” report reveals the CIA’s secret plot to take over social media, exposing efforts by intelligence community members to control Twitter’s content management system and influence information sharing under the guise of


Our long reads dig deep into tales that span years or centuries, revealing layers of history and context actively suppressed by mainstream media. Through our exploration of complex issues and strong arguments, we encourage readers to discover hidden truths and question the stories we think we know.

Will Fico’s Attempted Assassination Influence Next Month’s Elections? 1
GGI Staff

Will Fico’s Attempted Assassination Influence Next Month’s Elections?

The Eurocrats are using the attempted assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Fico to shift focus from vague Russian meddling claims to influencing voter perceptions, aiming to counter conservative gains in the upcoming European parliamentary elections. Instead of speaking vaguely about alleged Russian meddling, the Eurocrats are now honing their information

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List Of Countries Hosting The Most Refugees 1
GGI Confidential
GGI Staff

List Of Countries Hosting The Most Refugees

According to data from UNHCR, as of mid-2023, there are 36.5 million refugees worldwide. Countries like Iran and Turkey host the most refugees due to their proximity to conflict zones. Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and South Sudan have the highest number of people fleeing. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) forecasts that

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