Eight years ago, Beverly Hills urologist James Elist invented the Penuma, a new form of cosmetic surgery to enhance men’s penises. For $16,000, Dr. Elist makes an incision just above a patient’s penis and inserts the Penuma, a sheath of silicone, into the shaft, adding anywhere from one to two inches in length and up to two and a half inches in girth.

Elist has performed the surgery on some 5,000 patients since he pioneered the procedure in 2015 and has a long waiting list of clients. Cosmetic surgeons from around the world have visited to learn his technique. (Elist has also been sued by a patient who was unhappy with the results of the surgery. More on that below.)

For the latest installment in our series on The Secret Lives of Men, we interviewed Sergio Costa*, a 23-year-old club doorman in Tampa who underwent the implant surgery late last year. Whatever you think of Costa’s rationale for getting the procedure, he is thrilled with the results. Big dick energy, it seems, isn’t just an ineffable aura; it may be provided medically.

Sergio Costa, 23, Tampa

In high school I became, I wouldn’t say “addicted,” but I was very into male enhancement. My best friend and I would go to the gym together. We got into everything—pre-workout, SARMs, steroids. We tried it all. Putting shit into our bodies and we didn’t even know what it was.

One day this dude at the gym was like, “Dude, I have this stuff. You gotta try it. It makes you so good in bed.” That’s how I started using Cialis, which was the gateway into all of this.

Cialis was like magic. Before, I would last maybe a minute or two. I had tried everything at that point—rhino pills, horny goat weed, royal honey. But with Cialis I lasted longer, I performed better, and I had more confidence.

That solved my performance problem so I started to think about ways that I could make it bigger. Next thing you know I’m using the Bathmate penis pump. It became part of my routine. After my workout, I would use the penis pump in the shower. I used that almost everyday from age 16 to 21. I tried jelqing and the extenders, too.

I was obsessed with making it bigger. I would watch YouTube videos of people saying how much size matters. When I played football in high school, I wouldn’t get naked in the locker room. It didn’t help getting on PornHub or RedTube and seeing these pornstars with massive horse cocks. When kids see that shit, it fucks with them, ya know?

Everyone at my high school was sexually active. You would hear stories all the time, “Oh yeah, that guy has a small dick.” I remember my one friend was using a Porta Potty once. Kids busted in on him and took a video of him and you could see his dick in the video. Everyone in the school had that video—girls, boys—and they all made fun of him for having a small piece.

Meanwhile, a California hospital refuses transplant surgery for unvaccinated woman with end-stage kidney disease.

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