In the previous article on the Mumbai Attacks – Globalized Terror In A Liberalized World, in the first issue of GreatGameIndia we reviewed the security issues in the Indian subcontinent with a comparative analysis of the Spanish Mumbai train bombings raising concerns over a new orientation in our National Security. In this article we take a deeper look at the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks of 2008 with facts hitherto ignored or never taken into consideration by our investigative agencies and try to answer the many questions that still remain unanswered to this day.


The attacks on Taj, Oberoi Hotels and Nariman House in Mumbai were peculiar and it is quite possible that the targets at these three establishments were high value individuals and the who’s who of western intelligence agencies. For us to understand our own security needs better, we need to look at the situation through a new prism. A visit to the Spanish capital by the security agencies will give a new orientation towards understanding the nature and motive of crime and terrorism in this global era of liberalization. The age-old Latin saying “Qui Bono” i.e. “Who benefited from the act?” and the economic trail is what needs to be followed. In case of global terrorism, interspersed with State sponsored terrorism or cases of democratic nations supporting State sponsored terrorism for geo-political gains, the question that needs to be asked is, “Who is benefiting the most?” It will be helpful to take into consideration the long range economic benefits and policy shifts desired by the handlers of these groups and nations, which may provide true insight into the nature of real global terrorism, instead of falling in line with the idea of immediate theoretical emotional benefits for few terrorist outfits.

From the very start of the new millennium, the Indian NDA government took a 180-degree turn ditching the Non-Aligned Policy by openly moving into the US-Britain-Israeli camp. After that, the UPA government also appeared to be slowly following the policy NDA started.

At a larger geo-political level, the questions that need to be asked are:

  1. Are the Mumbai bombings like Spanish bombings a warning to the ruling coalition to change the course of either their foreign or domestic policy?
  2. Was the timing of the Mumbai train blasts determined by the want to paint a scenario of ‘Islamic threat’ to coincide with the massive Palestinian and Lebanese conflict, in an effort to ward of support from India? Do those who want a situation of conflict in the sub continent to continue their arms trade not approve of this shift?

In the Naval War Room Leaks many analysts pointed out to the fact that the possible beneficiaries of the entire episode could be companies that manufacture high end tech. Several hi-tech companies manufacture dual use technology (military and civilian use) and are valuable assets to their parent nations as they not only aid their armed forces but contribute to their economy as well. Standing by such corporations is one of the prime strategic objectives of any nation. Arms trade, after all, estimated to be worth billions of dollars is an essential component of economies.

The other fallout of the Mumbai train blasts was, as pointed out by certain retired senior Mumbai Police officials, the penetration of foreign intelligence security apparatus to protect their support organizations. For many years, British and Israeli intelligence agencies have been trying to penetrate Indian establishments. This first hand intelligence is needed by them to make decisions on economic policies and gain benefits for their native corporations. India has also set up its massive counter intelligence wing to deal with such penetration. Of late it has become easier for Israeli and British intelligence to penetrate rightwing organizations and thus have access to other departments of the Indian government, aided by a shared ideology on Islamic terrorism.

Is it this infiltration angle and the nexus between rightwing organizations and Israeli intelligence, thus US intelligence, which was uncovered by the slain ATS Chief Hemant Karkare? He was an ex R&AW operative who could have possibly zeroed on or atleast made significant progress in cracking the non-Islamic ring of terror. That could be the reason why he was targeted in a seemingly misleading plot. During the Cold War, British, US and Israeli intelligence did after all train Taliban fighters, who later turned into al Qaeda fighters during the anti Soviet conflict. These intelligence agencies do hold information on every key person in LeT or JeM that are waging this deadly war against India. Intelligence agencies often operate in other countries by using local hitmen/criminal gangs as a buffer to avoid detection. This is a case of utilizing the same technique in the current crisis by using a Pakistani based terrorist group as a cover and prophetically providing all proofs pointing (a classical false flag) towards the culprits. Along with this the close cooperation provided by ISI would have definitely resulted in the targeted hit of the ATS Chief.


This leaves one with an important question and raises serious doubts about the entire 2008 Mumbai attack operation.

Evidence provided by many analysts has brought to light the fact that Karkare was killed because he tried to investigate the involvement of rightwing hardliners in the terror attack on Samjhauta Express, which provoked religious tensions in India. During the same investigations even Lt. Col. Prasad Shrikant Purohit involvement in deadly attack was also brought to light.

In the petition filed by Radhakant Yadav, 77, former MLA from Bihar which was broadly based on the contentious book written by ex-Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra, and a close friend of Karkare, SM Mushriff he stated that a parallel operation was planned and executed by Abhinav Bharat with the connivance and aide of communal officers of the Intelligence Bureau that coincided with the 26/11 attack. The petition alleges that Karkare was targeted as he was about to arrest some industrialists, diamond merchants and builders who allegedly funded the activities of Abhinav Bharat.

Analysts like C. Uday Bhaskar feel, “Frankly this is a statement of fact, Karkare was investigating the Samjhauta attack and questioning certain people. I believe it is important not to get emotional but be as transparent as possible. At the end of the day we need to get certain answers from Pakistan and it is best to give as much as we reasonably can without getting agitated.”

But who actually hit the Taj Hotel?

Now, if what Ajmal Kasab was saying is true, then out of the ten terrorists who infiltrated India, four were killed and one was captured alive, but what about the five who escaped? Did all militants perish? Or is it correct in saying as many analysts pointed out that there were actually 30 people involved in the attacks? Who precisely carried out these attacks at Taj, Oberoi and Nariman House simultaneously coinciding with the elimination of the ATS Chief?

Two of the three locations which were attacked had gatherings which were attended by wealthy diamond merchants and the third was of a religious significance to the Jews. Every Islamic fundamentalist outfit has been penetrated by Israeli agents except for a few, like the Hezbollah; it is now part of Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) that every intelligence agencies follows. Israeli intelligence have also penetrated fringe radical Christian groups and are known for friendly spying even on America. Be it an Iraqi Christian pilot defecting with MIG 21 to Israel or the recent killing of Abu Mugneveigh in Syria, all bore, according to experts, the standard hallmark of Israeli intelligence.

It is important to note that former Joint Director of Intelligence Bureau and distinguished author, Maloy Krishna Dhar, previously detailed in his book, “Fulcrum of Evil ISI – CIA – Al Qaeda Nexus”, the nefarious workings of Pakistan’s feared ISI as they continue efforts with the CIA and their combined ‘terrorist groups’ Al Qaeda and Taliban towards plunging India from proxy war into Total War.

The two targets, the ATS Chief and the three buildings that were selected, are diagonally opposite in nature and texture. The former is definitely not in favor of either the underworld or the foreign intelligence agencies that want to penetrate into India using the cover of rightwing militant organizations.

Timeline: Assassination Of Hemant Karkare. This is a very definitive timeline of events (from 12/11/2008 through 26/11/2008) leading up to and which played a key role in the 26/11 Cama Hospital episode where Chief of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) Hemant Karkare was killed along with Senior Police Inspector and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar and Additional Commissioner of the Mumbai Police (Eastern region) Ashok Kamte.

The latter mentioned targets, Taj and Oberoi hosted ‘distinguished guests’ during the last week of November 2008. Most of them were coordinators of intelligence in South Asia. Few names that resided there being, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and elite members of President Elect Barack Obama’s Global Economic Team in India attending the “American Foreign Policy After Elections Conference” organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Aspen Institute India in Mumbai.

The members of Obama’s elite economic team attending this conference with Kissinger were Indian-Americans, Sonal Shah (Head Global Development Efforts at, Aneesh Chopra (Virginia State’s Secretary of Technology), Vivek Kundra (Chief Technology Officer for Washington DC) and Kartik Raghavan (Director at Microsoft). Also reports indicate that Obama’s pick for the US Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, was absent from these meetings despite his long standing ties to India where he was raised; he is said to have been represented by as yet ‘unknown’ aides from the US Federal Reserve Bank.


Were these distinguished guests rethinking how to save falling western economies with the aid of India? As often, history makes it a habit to repeat itself; in the last 200 years whenever the West was in trouble, the East India Companies (EIC) or subsequent managing partners of EICs plundered India’s human and natural resources for their survival. In this ‘Great Game‘ they kept other geo-political players at bay. Since more than the last decade, under UPA and NDA administrations, Indian foreign policy and domestic economic policy is veering dangerously closer to US-British-Israeli economic interests, viewed by other geo-political players as an encroachment. Did other geo-political players view this meeting as a penetration of their turf?


Subscribe Now and read this exclusive articles where we analyse the actual events that shaped the 26/11 attacks. Published in the Oct-Dec 2015 Issue of GreatGameIndia – India’s only quarterly magazine on Geopolitics and International Affairs. Report by Terrorism & Security Studies Department of GreatGameIndia

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GGI Reports on 26/11 Mumbai Attacks of 2008
26/11 Mumbai Attacks – A High Profile Meet & An Assassination
26/11 – What Really Happened At Nariman Chabad House
26/11 Mumbai Attacks: Why No Investigation Into Diamond Mafia & Foreign Geopolitical Players
26/11 Timeline: Buildup To The Assassination Of Hemant Karkare
Mumbai Train Blasts – A Sequel to The Madrid Train Bombings Of 2004
Court Pardons David Headley, Accepts Him As 26/11 Witness

3 Responses

  1. How come nobody mentions that 7 out of the 8 buildings were Parsee owned? Even Oberoi probably has a Parsee connection.

    That aside they landed in Colaba (Parsee dominated) at Sassoon docks which is a private jetty owned again by Parsees.

    Adani means one who is from Aden which was the Parsee British colony since centuries.

    Mumbai also has a bombay municipality or something which is Parsee owned.

    If the terrorists wanted to kill as many people as possible then surely they could have committed enough mayhem in Colaba which has umpteen markets and temples.

    Why did they go searching for Parsee buildings?

  2. 26/11 was a terrorist operation done by International Illuminati in association with local illuminati to send the clear message across to HNIs to join them or be ready to face the devastation like Taj and Oberoi, for which, our Gujju gangs agreed and are not harmed in any way till date and continue to hoard all the world riches as long as they have close ties with the International Illuminati.

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