Antony John, a 67-year-old man from Kollam district in Kerala, has built an electric vehicle that costs Rs 5 to travel 60 kms.
Electric vehicles are the future of mobility, and we have mentioned this fact several times on our website in the past. Manufacturers such as Tata and MG produce electric cars, and numerous two-wheeler manufacturers have also entered this market. Additionally, we have observed numerous online videos in which people present their ideas for constructing electric vehicles and miniature models of original cars. In this context, we have discovered a video featuring a 67-year-old man from Kerala who built an electric car for his daily commute.
The video has been uploaded by Village Vartha on their YouTube channel, featuring the story of Antony John, a 67-year-old man from Kerala’s Kollam district who constructed an electric car for himself. Antony John, a career consultant with an office located approximately 30 km from his residence, previously utilized an electric scooter for his daily commute. However, as he aged, he sought a more comfortable and weather-resistant mode of transportation. Although he desired an electric vehicle, no viable options were available on the market at the time.
An Icelandic company called deCODE genetics, which has sequenced more whole genomes than any other institution in the world, is trying to find out how genetics determine our life choices.
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