Scientists Discover Planet That May Support Human Life

Scientists Discover Planet That May Support Human Life 1

According to a study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, scientists discovered a planet that may support human life, named Gliese 12 b. An unusual and intriguing finding has been uncovered by astronomers: an exoplanet 40 light-years away that resembles Earth and may be somewhat warmer than Earth. In the Monthly […]

Scientists Grow Diamond From Scratch In 15 Minutes

Scientists Grow Diamond From Scratch In 15 Minutes 1

Scientists led by physical chemist Rodney Ruoff of the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea published their results in the journal Nature on April 24, revealing that they can grow diamonds from scratch in 15 minutes. Researchers have developed a novel method for creating diamonds at room temperature and without the need for an […]

Scientists Successfully Remove HIV From Cells

Scientists Successfully Remove HIV From Cells 1

Scientists from the University of Amsterdam have successfully removed HIV from cells using CRISPR/Cas9, a gene-editing technique that works similarly to a cookie cutter, focusing on HIV DNA at a small scale and removing all viral imprints at particular locations within infected cells. A gene-editing technique that won the 2020 Nobel Prize promises to progress […]

Japanese Scientists Warn Against Blood Transfusion From mRNA Vaccine Recipient

Japanese Scientists Warn Against Blood Transfusion From mRNA Vaccine Recipient 1

In a preprint, Japanese scientists warn against blood transfusion from mRNA vaccine recipients, claiming that there are a variety of possible complications linked to blood transfusions from people who have received mRNA COVID-19 shots. Even with all the verified fatalities and severe side effects, the American Red Cross still wants blood donors to know that […]

Russian Scientists In Crimea Create Superpower ‘Nanopowder’

Russian Scientists In Crimea Create Superpower 'Nanopowder' 1

According to Director Vladimir Gavrish, Russian scientists in Crimea, from his Sevastopol State University’s Center for Collective Use of Advanced Technologies and Materials, have created a superpower ‘nanopowder’. Sevastopol scientists have created a special nanopowder that can be utilized in radiation shielding, aircraft building, and the creation of new materials and machinery, according to Vladimir […]

NASA Destroyed Life On Mars 50 Years Ago, Claims German Scientist

According to a German scientist, Dirk Schulze-Makuch, NASA destroyed life on Mars 50 years ago when it dispatched two Viking landers to Mars. According to a New Scientist investigation, a NASA mission over 40 years ago may have accidentally destroyed what would have been the first discovery of organic molecules on Mars. NASA recently caused […]

Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration

Over 1600 Scientists Sign No Climate Emergency Declaration

A group of international scientists have come together to reject the idea of a climate crisis and argue that carbon dioxide (CO2) is actually good for the planet, going against the common alarming view. “There is no climate emergency,” the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) said in its World Climate Declaration (read below), made public […]

Newly-Discovered Skull In China Baffles Scientists

Newly-discovered skull in China baffles scientists

The layperson often assumes that human ancestry is a settled matter, but this is far from accurate. Adding to the intrigue, an ancient skull is currently perplexing scientists due to its dissimilarities from the features of modern humans. According to a report from Science Alert, the enigmatic skull belonged to a child who lived approximately […]

Chinese Scientists Simulate Black Hole Using Quantum Computing, Test Hawking’s Theory

According to findings published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications this month, Chinese scientists have simulated a black hole using quantum computing and tested Hawking’s theory. A team of researchers, led by Chinese scientists has managed to simulate the physics of black holes by using quantum computing. They said the test was an attempt toward […]