In 2019, only Uganda, the Central African Republic, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo had renewable energy make up 90% of their total energy consumption. Africa currently leads the world in renewable energy consumption.

Africa is the only area in the world where renewable energy sources actually dominate energy consumption, as Statista’s Martin Armstrong demonstrates in the infographic below using data from the United Nations Energy Statistics Pocketbook 2022 (read below).

In 2019, only Uganda, the Central African Republic, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo had renewable energy make up 90% of their total energy consumption.
With 96.2 percent, the latter actually came close to reaching 100%. On the other hand, developed economies like the United States (9.9%), Germany (17.2%), and Japan (7.9%) were still far from accomplishing the transition to green energy.
A total of 28 nations are known to have had a share of less than 1% during the course of a year. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Hong Kong, and the city-state of Singapore are among them.
Read the document below:
Yeah, but. . . Africa has not hiad to destroy an existing energy infrastructure in order to “go green”, as the West is now being asked to do.
It will be interesting to see what happens to the millions of dollars worth of “reparations” the West has agreed to lob into the dark continent’s leaders’ laps.
You can bet orders for luxury bathrooms with gold fittings and bedrooms with four- posters will rocket!