South Africa conducted a clinical trial that showed that vaccines by Serum Institute offer minimal protection against Coronavirus strain active in the country, after which South Africa stopped its COVID-19 vaccination program. Owing to this finding, South Africa has now decided to return approximately 1 million vaccine doses back to Serum Institute. These doses were supplied to South Africa in early February.

South Africa To Return 1 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses To Serum Institute

South Africa had stopped the AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 vaccine program after disappointing results from trial data showed it gave minimal protection against mild to moderate infection caused by the country’s dominant coronavirus variant.

Serum Institute of India had recently supplied 1 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine to South Africa and was about to send another 5 Lakh doses in coming weeks.

As per South Africa’s health minister the AstraZeneca vaccine offered minimal protection against the 501Y.V2 coronavirus variant which is dominant in South Africa.

This was concluded by the data obtained from the study conducted by South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand and Oxford University.

South Africa’s health minister further said that they may sell the doses of vaccines.

Anban Pillay, the deputy director-general at the Department of Health, told Reuters:

“The doses are going to be shared with countries on the continent… via the AU (African Union),” Pillay said, adding that the country is looking to recover the money spent on the vaccines but hadn’t worked out how that would happen in practice.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, Switzerland has rejected the AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 vaccine due to lack of sufficient data.

Swissmedic, Switzerland’s authority for medicines and medical devices, said, “The data currently available do not point to a positive decision regarding benefits and risks.”

Many European countries have decided not to use AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine for people over 65. This decision as well was made due to the lack of data available about its effectiveness in elderly people.

According to a report by Germany’s Standing Vaccination Commission, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is only effective 8% in people over 65.

According to a new survey more than half of Americans do not want COVID-19 vaccine. The study has also looked into the concerns among people reluctant to receive the jabs, with 68 per cent of people saying they are worried about the long term effects of the vaccines.

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2 Responses

  1. A total scam by governments and medical authorities. Less harmful than the flu, but by lumping all deaths under the Covid-19 umbrella, they have managed to control and scare the entire world. To reap their profits, the drug companies waged a war against the most effective drug, Hydroxi, which cured all but the most virulent cases, when combined with Zinc and an antithrombotic. Problem was, this regimen is cheap, and the drug barons and those, like Fauci and Gates, with an interest in expensive drugs, would not make any money. More ominously, our elite leaders could not obtain the control if the virus was presented honestly.

  2. The pharma culture will find a way to get government money out of them yet….

    “While the world is reeling from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Ebola has again emerged, simultaneously, in both Central and West Africa. … The World Health Organization announced last week that it had confirmed new cases of Ebola in Butembo, a city in North Kivu Province in the DRC”

    And if not ebola then HIV….they have a huge supply of bioweapons at their disposal….Bill Gates hasn’t bought up the world yet….being the mouth piece for eugenics is hard work but then flapping his arms around and telling all of us what to do costs money….if only we could all just kick him out of collective Countries ….then and only then can we ALL GO BACK TO NORMAL! # billgates not a Dr.

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