Do Not Pay, an organization known for automating tasks such as appealing parking tickets and canceling subscriptions, has released a new tool that uses artificial intelligence to handle customer service calls on behalf of users. In a video shared on Twitter, a researcher deepfaked his voice and used AI to demand a refund from Wells Fargo.

Researcher Deepfakes His Voice Uses AI To Demand Refund From Wells Fargo

Why endure a lengthy call with a bank when a convenient AI-powered bot can handle it for you?

That’s the proposition of a new tool from Do Not Pay. Previously, this organization has automated various tasks, such as contesting parking tickets and canceling unnecessary subscriptions. In a video shared on Twitter, the founder of Do Not Pay, Joshua Browder, demonstrated the tool’s ability to call Wells Fargo customer service and, using an AI-generated version of Browder’s own voice, successfully appeal wire fees.

“We plan on making the tool publicly available with a range of generic custom voices, but to have the user’s own voice it will be a premium option,” Browder told Motherboard in an online chat.

“Hi, I’m calling to get a refund for wire transfer fees,” the artificial Browder can be heard saying in the video. The customer service representative then asks for the caller’s first and last name, which the bot supplies. The bot and the representative then engage in a discussion about which specific wire transfer fees are being disputed, ultimately settling on the fees charged over the past three months.

In a tweet, Browder revealed that the tool was created using a combination of (a platform that enables users to generate their own AI voices), GPT-J (an open-source casual language model), and Do Not Pay’s own AI models for the script. Previously, Do Not Pay has employed AI-driven bots to negotiate Comcast bills.

The conversation between the bot and the customer service representative sounds very stilted and unnatural. There are lengthy pauses as the bot processes the representative’s responses and formulates its own replies. It’s difficult not to feel sympathy for the Wells Fargo worker who had to remain silent while the bot performed its tasks. However, the bot appears to be successful in securing the requested refunds, based on the video.

The bot did remember to say “thank you for your help,” which is a small gesture of politeness.

The first AI court trial will take place in February, with the app protecting particular dates and locations. The Do Not Pay AI is set to defend a human in court for first time ever.

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