Alberta has cancelled vaccine passports after pressure from freedom truckers. The truckers who had been obstructing the Coutts border were unsatisfied with the resolution.

Alberta Cancels Vaccine Passports After Pressure From Truckers

Premier Jason Kenney of Alberta stated Tuesday night that his province will end vaccine separation measures on February 9 at midnight.

“We cannot remain at a heightened state of emergency forever,” Kenney said. “We have to begin to heal. And so Alberta will move on, but we’ll do so carefully. We’ll do so prudently.”

The idea to restore seized liberties to Albertans is based on hospital capability, according to Kenney.

Kenney supported the vaccine passport system, claiming that it was successful at persuading patients to take the abortion-inducing experimental vaccine.

In conjunction to vaccine passports, mask mandates for students in grades K-12 and kids under the age of 12 in indoor public settings will be eliminated.

The majority of regulations, including mask mandates for the general public, are set to be eliminated on March 1.

“None of this has to do with a few trucks parked at the Coutts border crossing,” Kenney said defiantly.

In Alberta, there are more than a “few trucks” there at the border.

The truckers who had been obstructing the Coutts border were unsatisfied with the resolution, which nevertheless maintains certain harsh regulations in effect and left the door open for COVID measures to be reinstated if public health deems it necessary.

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