An American spy on secondment to GCHQ was stabbed by an alleged terrorist just three miles from its headquarters, it can now be revealed.

Police believe a woman working for US intelligence was targeted by a knifeman in an alleged terrorist attack outside a leisure centre in Cheltenham.

The victim is said to have been sitting in a car when the knifeman lashed out stabbing her in the leisure centre car park, before she managed to stagger out of the vehicle for help.

Seriously wounded, she managed to raise staff at the sports centre which was due shortly to close to the public at the time of the attack on Thursday at 9.15pm.

Yesterday the victim remained in a stable condition in hospital following surgery.

Pictured is GCHQ, the headquarters of the intelligence and security agency whose staff work to identify and disrupt terror plots across the UK

The identity of the woman has not been revealed, but the Mail has learnt that she is an American spy on secondment to the Government Communications Headquarters, which is based just three miles away.

The nature of her work has not been revealed, but GCHQ has a strong relationship with its US equivalent, the National Security Agency.

Agreements signed at the end of the World War II remain essential to the security of both nations with GCHQ saying it has β€˜it has stopped many terrorist plots and has saved many lives at home and abroad.’ Last night police were still quizzing a man arrested at the scene on suspicion of carrying out a terrorist act.

If you’re curious to delve deeper into the topic, read more about it here.

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