Anmol Ambani, the eldest son of industrialist Anil Ambani, has lashed out against lockdowns being imposed amid the surge in COVID-19 cases, saying such restrictions do not concern health but control and that they destroy the very backbone of the society and economy. He called the pandemic known correctly as Scamdemic and stated that the lockdowns are actually greatest wealth transfer in human history. He said it’s a coordinated, thought out set of policies designed to enable a new world order to be brought in. The perfect opportunity to usher in the fourth industrial revolution.

COVID-19 Scamdemic Lockdowns Greatest Wealth Transfer In Human History - Anmol Ambani

The 29-year-old former executive director of Reliance Capital Ltd in a series of tweets lambasted lockdown rules hurting small businesses and daily wage earners.

In a lengthy series of tweets he stated:

The lockdowns are key in continuing and enabling greatest wealth transfer in human history.

The mistake is that the people think is simply inefficient governance. It’s not. It’s a coordinated, thought out set of policies designed to enable a new world order to be brought in. The perfect opportunity to usher in the fourth industrial revolution.

It’s no coincidence that the losses of the common man are gains of the wealthiest. That the closure of brick and mortar benefits digital and e-commerce. The farmer and his soil being corporatised and colonised. Data and privacy being harvested and sold to new age empires.

These lockdowns were never about and have nothing to do with health. They destroy the very backbone of our society and economy, from the daily wage workers, self employed and SMEs to the restaurants and dhabas, fashion and clothing store.

They completely destroy and diminish our health by closing gyms, sports complexes, playgrounds etc – exercise, sunlight and fresh air being some of the strongest pillars of good health and strong immunity.

And don’t forget the psychological damage this is doing to children who are growing up through this madness and are being programmed to believe this is normal.

And what are we expected to do?

Aimlessly stare at the screens on which a lot of these very same people are constantly selling you fear to keep you scared and weak and ‘Entertainment’ to keep you passive, dumbed down and distracted from being able to see what is really going on.

Or on the other hand get coerced into taking an experimental, not entirely tested, only EUA approved injection, as a condition to let you continue earning your livelihood, which is a basic inalienable fundamental right and cannot be denied on any premise.

This is not about health. This is about control, and I think most of us are unknowingly and unconsciously falling into the trap of a much larger and very sinister plan.

To control every aspect of your life – A technocracy exactly like China – A totalitarian bio-surveillance facist state – controlled from the outside.

But I have faith in India and Indian people. That we will resist this global coup d etat and not let our country get colonized even more. All we need to do is wake up to the truth. Stand for love, peace, unity and compassion.

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2 Responses

  1. Excellent! People are waking up, and not to “wokeness”, the not so secret code to senior capital access.

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