The hacking efforts till now made by the group Anonymous have been described as haphazard, unorganized, and indiscriminate. They have been dealt with a fresh blow as Anonymous’ website was hacked after they declared cyberwar on Russia.

Anonymous Site Hacked After Declaring Cyberwar On Russia

Killnet, a hacking group, makes the claim to have taken down a prominent Anonymous webpage, and also the neo-Nazi Ukrainian Right Sector paramilitary organization and the Ukrainian president’s office.

On Tuesday afternoon, users trying to visit Anonymous’ official site, ‘,’ were greeted with the statement “Sorry, that didn’t work. Please try again or come back later. 500 Error. Internal Server Error.” landing page on Tuesday, 1 March, 2022. - Sputnik International, 1920, 01.03.2022 landing page on Tuesday, 1 March, 2022.

Killnet complemented the action with a Russian-language video message, which included a masked figure reciting a statement against a background of a Russian flag.

Watch the Killnet video below:

“Greetings, Russians and friendly union nations. The internet is full of fake information about the hacking of Russian banks, hacks on Russian media servers, and much more. None of this poses any danger to people. This ‘information bomb’ is merely text, and nothing more. Do not fall for fake information on the internet. Have no doubts about your country,” the hackers said.

Blaming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the US and its European allies for the current crisis, the hacking group assured that “very soon this conflict will end, and we will find peace. Do not be afraid, Russia, no one and nothing can threaten you.”

Killnet specifically addressed Anonymous, urging the organization to “start restoring your site,” saying it “looks very pitiful against in light of your threats against our country.”

On Friday, Anonymous declared a “cyberwar” on Moscow, enlisting the help of hacktivists from all across the globe to attack Russia for its armed intervention in Ukraine. DDoS assaults against Russian government and media websites, as well as the military and companies, have been attributed to the group.

The assaults seem to have been haphazard, unorganized, and indiscriminate. They targeted an independent St. Petersburg publication, numerous business papers, and local media that do not attach great importance to federal politics or world events, for examples, in addition to state media.

Anonymous’ hacking campaign started in tandem with initiatives by Western IT behemoths and governments to suppress Russian foreign-language news organizations by banning websites, closing down tv and radio broadcasts, and removing Russian media social media pages from the internet.

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