According to a recent study, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is prevalent throughout Europe and 670,000 people in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) get afflicted with antibiotic-resistant bacteria each year. According to the study around 33,000 people died as a direct consequence of antibiotic resistant bacteria infections.

33,000 People Died As A Direct Consequence Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Infections

As per a research (read below) by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, almost 33,000 individuals perished as a direct result of these diseases.

The findings were founded on antimicrobial resistance information from invasive isolates submitted to the Central Asian and European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (CAESAR) and European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net) networks in 2021. (data referring to 2020).

EARS-Net got statistics from 29 countries, comprising all from the EU and two from the EEA (Iceland and Norway), whereas CAESAR acquired information from 12 countries plus Kosovo.

This year, the European Region’s AMR monitoring reporting is 100 percent aligned, thanks to all of the work that started in 2012. Similar regional cooperative surveillance activities (such as tuberculosis and HIV) have led to multiple such reports with ECDC.

Between 2016 and 2020, carbapenem tolerance in E. coli and K. pneumoniae, as well as vancomycin resistance in E. faecium, grew dramatically in the areas. Large proportions of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in K. pneumoniae, as well as carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in numerous European countries, have also caused alarm.

ECDC’s director, Andrea Ammon, said:

Everyone – including policy-makers, health professionals, patients and governmental and nongovernmental organizations – has a role to play in addressing the public health threat of AMR.

Following the adoption of the European Strategic Action Plan on Antibiotic Resistance in 2011 and the publication of the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance in 2015, most WHO European Region member states have boosted their efforts to tackle AMR.

Only 25 (50%) of the region’s 50 countries/areas declared having developed an AMR national action plan in 2016. (NAP). According to the most recent round of global monitoring, 43 (86%) of the region’s 50 countries/areas replied.

Twenty percent of countries/areas in the WHO European Region reported experiencing no monitoring capability for producing AMR surveillance data or merely gathering AMR data at the local level without a defined strategy.

The research also underlined the impending issue of ensuring that NAPs are fully implemented and adequately funded.

Read the study below:


2 Responses

  1. We know how to solve our problems – – trouble is we have 1/2 of populace indifferent to , or HELL BENT on bringing total destruction to God’s Creation. i’m still betting on the Creator , but man we finally are seeing what we’ve been up against in all it’s naked reality ! …. ….. shalom, al jenkins

  2. Yeah! All these Medical Institutions and Organizations regarding bacterial infection : all created by pharmaceutical drugs golfing it down the throats to do what? create more dysfunction of the “gut” ~ plus chemicalize every type of ‘cleaner’ and you have an aerobic war room for every individual there who is trying to survive. First thing get rid of all these disinformation institutions and all the poisons : the definition of pharmaceutical / pharmaceutical industry is : the industry of poisons. Second thing : get rid of the pharmaceuticals. Third thing : Pay attention to the Mendellin Scientists in the 1800’s : where under the microscope were seen “bacteria” : defined as Silver Shining Cells ~ where? in the Gut ~ which where the ‘store’ of healthy bacteria is ~ is that which keeps the human healthy. When a bacteria was finishing its natural life span, it was always seen to morph into a fungus, at which point if not eliminated was the cause of a congestion which was termed later as cancer. Any condition that has congestion simply needs to be separated so it can be eliminated through the elimination channels: lungs, skin, kidneys, large colon. What should not be done is suppress any of the body systems which is exactly what pharmaceuticals do resulting in blood congestions. Just get rid of the usage of pharmaceuticals and refocus on building up healthy gut bacteria : it is the healthy bacteria that supports and nourishes all systems of the body. So…Lord Rothschild became a “Lord” because in an odd moment he visited a person he knew in a hospital ~ during that visit he realized how much money was available in “sickness”. Therefore, what better way to make more money than to own a hospital and do whatever so that the sicknesss continues…so, he built a hospital and donated it ~ thus he was given the title : Lord. Of course within the hospital all his dreams were realized…and thus the control of medicine along with the Rockefellers in the U.S. On and on it has gone : well the truth is out ~ and it will all change : We Will Win.!!!

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