The US Army is urging unvaccinated soldiers to return after being involuntarily discharged due to their unwillingness to receive the vaccine.

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Now, the US Army is pleading with COVID-unvaccinated soldiers—who were involuntarily discharged due to their unwillingness to receive the vaccine—to rejoin the military and to have their records updated!

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Soldiers who refused to receive the Covid vaccine were being shamefully discharged by the Pentagon just two years ago:

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These discharges will “not affect military readiness,” as promised to us.

“I can tell you there are no operational impacts across the force for readiness,” Marine Corps Lt. Gen. David Ottignon told lawmakers. “There’s no one community that has signaled an instance where a [leader], an NCO or another enlisted Marine is not present because of that.”

The Marine Corps has, by far, kicked out the most service members: 1,968 total, 20% of whom received an honorable discharge. That amounts to just under 1% of the total force, which stands at about 215,000.

But readiness suffered: thousands of veterans were let go, and prospective recruits turned down offers to join the military because, guess what?, young, healthy men detest COVID vaccinations.

More than 17,000 service members balked at taking the shots, citing safety fears linked to the vaccine’s speedy development and spurred by misinformation about messenger ribonucleic acid technology, as well as concern over fetal cell lines used in formulation and testing. The more the controversy raged in the news, the more troops asked to skip the shots, Military Times reporting found.

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Three times as many service personnel (8,339, see above) were removed due to the COVID vaccine obligation as there were 2,402 troops who died in Afghanistan. Of course, the troops who were involuntarily terminated were the healthiest, smartest, most conscientious, and most concerned about their health.

According to Air Marshal M. Matheswaran, the former Deputy Chief of the Integrated Defence Staff, Biden sabotage India’s Tejas Fighter Jet by delaying the delivery of the engines.

Thousands received reprimands that would ruin their careers:

Lt. Col. Terry Kelley, a spokesman for the Army, said that 2,767 soldiers have received “general officer written reprimands” — killing their opportunities for promotions or transfers within the military — and that two battalion commanders as well as four other officers have been relieved of their duties but remain enlisted in the military.

Sadly, the leadership said nothing. (This is Lloyd Austin in photo)

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The military is therefore 25% short of its recruitment targets:

“[The army’s] end strength fell from an original level of 485,000 in late 2021 to around 452,000 active duty soldiers today,” due in part to COVID vaccines and other factors.

COVID immunizations are almost forgotten these days, but it’s important to keep in mind how cruel, unpleasant, and pointless the requirements were. Recall how the media, including the LA Times, applauded such dismissals:

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Apologies for the careers affected by the dismissal of dedicated servicemembers due to refusal of experimental COVID vaccines. While their health remains intact, the injustice, trauma, and powerlessness they experienced from their commanders’ decisions linger. Life’s unfairness is evident; these soldiers haven’t received compensation, yet they stayed healthy and committed to their values.

Consider the immense difficulty faced by these courageous individuals as they upheld their principles amidst the destruction of their lives and careers due to mandated, ineffective COVID orders. These are resilient individuals – the military relies on strong, unwavering heroes, and unfortunately, 8,331 were discharged due to questionable directives from the Biden administration.

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