According to a survey commissioned by Online Betting Guide and conducted by OnePoll, an average person tells four lies per day in the US.

Average Person Tells 4 Lies Per Day, Survey Shows 1

Avoiding eye contact and nervously talking are two telltale signals that someone might be lying, but even the most skilled “poker face” has a telltale “tell.” According to a survey of 2,000 adults in the United States, a resounding majority believe they are superior to the rest when it comes to being able to recognize a liar.

It’s interesting to note that only 25% of respondents believe they have a great poker face, while 37% believe they are generally good at deceiving people. Only 3% of people feel they have bad poker faces, which is less than one in twenty.

The top indicators to watch out for when it comes to their own “tells,” or indications that they are bluffing, according to respondents, include fumbling with poker chips, sitting up in the chair when they have a good hand, and shaky palms.

You can’t read my poker face

According to a poll commissioned by Online Betting Guide and conducted by OnePoll, 53% of Americans say they are good at recognizing when others are lying to them, while only 8% think they are awful at it. Additionally, the study reveals when people believe it’s appropriate to use bluffing tactics, with playing poker (32%), when someone asks you whether you like their outfit and you don’t (30%), and when someone gives you a terrible meal (27%) topping the list.

Americans lie four times every day on average. Additionally, respondents believe they are lied to roughly six times per day.

“Body language is not a precise science and when you’re looking for signs of lying there is no such thing as a perfect body language ‘tell’, only clues and hints,” says Judi James, a body language expert and author of Poker Face, in a statement. “Poker players, in particular, can use micro-gestures when they lie or bluff but a good liar could use this to their benefit, acting the ‘tell’ to suit themselves and confuse their opponents.”

“Imagine you’ve spotted an opponent’s ‘tell’ when you’re playing poker,” she continues. “You’ve noticed that when they are bluffing their eyes dart quickly from side to side. This ‘tell’ is only useful to you if they’re not aware of it themselves though. If they know their own trait then they can use it to fool you too. Are they bluffing or is this a double-bluff?”

Is dishonesty really the best policy?

It’s interesting to note that more than two out of five people (42%) believe they display their emotions openly and find it difficult to conceal them. 54 percent of people think honesty is very important to them, despite the fact that they lie more and feel they are lied to more.

“Body language doesn’t always tell us the full picture of what is going on, but it can give us a good idea,” adds an Online Betting Guide spokesperson. “Like most things, the more you know someone, the more you’re able to tell if they are a good or bad liar. It’s also fascinating to see just how important we value telling the truth – but admit to telling little white lies every day.”

Judi James’ Tell-tale Signs of a Bluffer:

EYE CONCEALMENTS – Since the human eye is capable of a wide variety of subtle yet potent expressions, it can be difficult to maintain the eye expression on-message while we are lying. Our eyes do feel like the windows to the soul.

EYE DIRECTION/EYE DART If you are able to determine a person’s eye direction while they are being truthful, you may be able to detect a hint that they may be lying if their eyes suddenly swing in the opposite way during one of their responses.

THE MICRO-SMIRK – Some people enjoy telling lies and may feel the need to brag to themselves about how smart they are at deceiving others. This may manifest as a mild smirk in which the mouth’s one side raises slightly.

POKER FACE – The attempt to remain silent for fear of appearing incriminating can be a whole-body act, but principally the face will be expressionless and the body will stop moving as they speak.

EYEBROW SHRUGS – When someone lies, an attempt at bravado may be made, which may manifest as a dismissive eyebrow shrug.

ASYMETRIC FACIAL EXPRESSIONS – When we lie, our muscles have a tendency to pull our features in a variety of directions, resulting in an uneven or puckered smile with the corners of the lips pulled down. The mouth may be pulled down on one side while being pulled up on the other, or one brow may be raised while the other is furrowed.

THE TONGUE-POKE – This is an expression of distaste and rejection that has its roots in an infant refusing food. Even when someone is acting seeming to be happy and calm, it might still be a clue that they don’t enjoy what is happening.

HAND TO FACE GESTURES/THE NOSE TOUCH – Similar to the eye shielding practices, hands stroking the face or nose or repeated face rubbing as if exhausted might be used to conceal the expression of guilt.

SELF-COMFORT RITUALS – A need to self-calm under strain can be expressed by fidgeting with an earring or ear lobe, caressing one’s own hair, messing with one’s clothes, or tapping or fumbling with one’s fingers.

METRONOMIC GESTURES – The foot tap, swing of the leg, finger drumming, etc.

One Response

  1. Are these ‘Hate Crimes’ ? ……. Can i sue all the people i talk to every day ? …. ….. shalom to all

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