For the first time in history, the U.S Air Force is planning to deploy B-1 Bombers to Norway. The increased presence in the region has been identified as a prospective flashpoint.

Endless Wars US To Deploy B-1 Bombers In Norway For The First Time
Endless Wars: US To Deploy B-1 Bombers In Norway For The First Time

U.S. European Command (EUCOM) has announced that an advance team was about to head to Ørland ahead of B-1Bs touching down. Around more than 200 personnel is to arrive in Norway as the U.S Military strengthens its focus on the Arctic Region.

Though not specifically said when the bombers (Bomber Task Force) from the 7th Bomb Wing at Dyess Air Force Base in Texas  would arrive but there are reports the aircraft could make their way across the Atlantic later this week. The first airmen have already arrived in the country.

There are efforts being made to expand operation locations in the region and work alongside NATO allies and other partners on Russia’s northwest borders for the U.S Bombers where formerly they exclusively operated out of RAF Fairford in England.

A new Arctic Strategy was announced last July by the Air Force to counter Russia. The increased presence in the region has been identified as a prospective flashpoint.

“The Arctic is among the most strategically significant regions of the world today — the keystone from which the U.S. Air and Space Forces exercise vigilance,” said Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett. “This Arctic Strategy recognizes the immense geostrategic consequence of the region and its critical role for protecting the homeland and projecting global power.”

The news of the bombers’ arrival brought forth concern from several political parties.

“The Socialist Left is against stationing US bombers in Norway. More American military activity on Norwegian bases is not in Norway’s interest. This is especially true at a time when we are experiencing a negative spiral of ever-increasing tensions between the US and Russia”, Socialist Left leader Audun Lysbakken said.

The Reds went even further in their criticism.

“Now it’s time to call a spade a spade and a bomber a bomber. This is an escalation of American activity on Norwegian soil, and it is unacceptable to hide behind words such as joint training and exercise, which makes it sound less serious than it is”, Reds leader Bjørnar Moxnes said.

Tormod Heier, a professor at the Norwegian Defence College, earlier argued that Norway’s chances of becoming a battlefield between US and Russia will increase the more the Americans use Norwegian soil.

This is not the only military deployment being undertaken by the new US administration.

Earlier, the Joe Biden administration scrapped its predecessor’s Afghan peace deal to pull all NATO forces out of Afghanistan.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, after the twin suicide bombing in Baghdad recently, the groundwork for Joe Biden to increase American military presence in Iraq is already underway.

The endless wars brought to a halt by the Donald Trump administration may just well be kickstarted by the new US administration.

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4 Responses

  1. The entire fraudulent US federal government and all federal government officials and all federal law enforcement officers should be treated by everyone as what they are: A HOSTILE FOREIGN CORPORATION. The entire fraudulent US federal government and all federal government officials and all federal law enforcement officers have absolutely NO legal authority whatsoever and should be disobeyed everywhere. State national guard troops should be asking themselves why they are defending a hostile foreign corporation which is harming the People: Get back to your home States troops, because your People need you at home.

  2. We The People of the United States hereby formally revoke all express and implied authority for the operation of all public offices at all levels of government. We The People of the United States hereby formally revoke all authority for federal military personnel in all branches, and hereby mandate all federal military personnel to be transferred to their State’s national guard. We The People of the United States hereby formally revoke all authority for all actions and operations of all federal military personnel everywhere, and hereby formally declare all federal authority for operation of military personnel and conduct of all military actions to be immediately transferred to the States.

  3. Dissolution of the United States:

    As a result of the inability of the American People to freely and fairly vote, We The People of the United States hereby formally withdraw our consent and revoke our given authority for the operation of all governments in the United States. The United States of America is hereby dissolved. We The People of the United States of America hereby recognize, declare and acknowledge the dissolution of the United States of America as a result of illegal operation and violation of fundamental operating principles. We The People of the United States of America consequently formally and publicly recognize, declare and acknowledge the United States of America to be legally dissolved, null, and void.

    We The People of the United States hereby formally declare that it is impossible to legally transfer legal authority and legal power via any fraudulent election or any fraudulent operation of any kind anywhere by anyone at any time. We The People of the United States hereby formally declare that all fraudulent elections are null and void beginning at the foundation of the republic. We The People of the United States hereby formally declare that all actions of any kind taken by any fraudulently elected official, and any actions taken by any employee hired by any fraudulently elected official, and any actions taken by any appointee of any fraudulently elected official, were null and void in the past beginning at the founding of the republic, are null and void in the present, and will be null and void in the future.

    Joe Biden is not the President Elect of the United States. Joe Biden is not the President Elect of the United States because no legal authority or legal power was legally transferred by the free will of the People. If Joe Biden attempts to take the Office of the President of the United States he will be doing so without the legal authority of the American People. People are confused about the basic principles of the United States: All authority for anything anywhere anytime comes from the People. No authority is ever given without the free consent of the People, ever. If the People do not freely consent, nothing legal can ever be done, ever. Legal authority does not come from laws or officials: Legal authority comes from the People, at all times for all actions everywhere.

    We The People of the United States of America hereby formally revoke all authority granted to all federal, state, county, and city public offices, and also hereby revoke all authority granted to all officials working at those agencies. All authority for operation for all governments at all levels is hereby revoked. All authority for all employees and all appointees of all governments at all levels is also hereby revoked. We The People of the United States of America hereby formally withdraw our consent for the operation of all federal, state, county, and city governments until such time as free and fair verified paper ballot elections can be held.

    We The People of the United States of America hereby declare the nation to be in a state of war and occupation, and hereby authorize any and all military actions necessary for the defense of the People. We The People of the United States of America hereby formally declare all fraudulently elected officials to be criminal agents and enemy combatants in a state of war, and hereby authorize their immediate removal by force of arms. We The People of the United States of America hereby formally call on our armed forces, our militias, and our armed citizens to immediately take up arms and forcibly eject all fraudulently elected officials, all employees hired by fraudulently elected officials, and all appointees appointed by fraudulently elected officials in all federal, state, county and city governments.

    We The People of the United States hereby formally declare all States to be free of all legal and financial obligations to the hereby-dissolved federal government, and declare all States to be independent and sovereign of the federal government and of each other. We The People of the United States hereby declare all States to be free and independent entities authorized to create their own currencies and defend their own borders as necessary. We The People of the United States hereby declare all legal State residents to be immediately legally deputized and authorized to use any weapons and take any actions necessary to defend themselves against all enemies domestic and foreign.

    We The People of the United States hereby formally revoke all express and implied authority for the operation of all public offices at all levels of government. We The People of the United States hereby formally revoke all authority for federal military personnel in all branches, and hereby mandate all federal military personnel to be transferred to their State’s national guard. We The People of the United States hereby formally revoke all authority for all actions and operations of all federal military personnel everywhere, and hereby formally declare all federal authority for operation of military personnel and conduct of all military actions to be immediately transferred to the States.

    We The People of the United States hereby formally declare all national parks, all national nature reserves, all national military facilities, all military assets, and all federally owned assets whether physical or nonphysical, to immediately be the property of the States in which they are located. We The People of the United States hereby formally declare seizure, ownership, and control of all federally owned assets by the States. We The People of the United States hereby formally declare the immediate confiscation and conversion of all federally owned assets by the States within which the assets are currently located.

    We The People of the United States hereby formally declare any political unit above the level of State to be dissolved. We The People of the United States hereby formally declare all States are authorized to create their own laws, create their own currencies, and create their own armed forces. We The People hereby formally dissolve all federal, national, and international laws, debts, and obligations until such time as a new national government structure can be created to operate with free and fair verified paper ballot elections.

    We The People hereby formally revoke all authority for any use of the US Dollar by any federal entity including the “Federal” Reserve. We The People hereby formally revoke all authority given to the Federal Reserve, and revoke all authority for creating, loaning, transporting, destroying, or doing anything else with US currency by any entity anywhere. We The People formally revoke our authority for anyone anywhere to use US Dollars without our express consent and declare the US Dollar to be a transition currency to be used only until such time as a new national currency is created or until new State currencies are created.

    We The People hereby formally cancel all laws relating to the covid virus, and formally cancel all lockdowns, mask laws and vaccination requirements by anyone anywhere at all levels of government. We formally declare all covid-related medical and travel requirements hereby cancelled and null and void. We also formally declare all people involved in creating, distributing, advertising, governing, or providing covid vaccinations to be suspect of crimes against humanity and against God. We also formally declare all officials and medical providers forcing any medical treatments without patient consent to be enemy combatants in a state of war subject to any military field tribunals and executions necessary to defend the People.

    We The People hereby revoke and cancel all laws governing the use of firearms, PERIOD.

    We The People hereby formally declare all law enforcement officers who attempt to enforce medical treatments without patient consent as being enemy combatants, and therefore subject to any and all actions necessary to defend the People, including immediate field executions as deemed necessary in defense of the People. The People hereby revoke authority given to all federal LEO’s in all federal agencies, and hereby formally declare all federal LEO’s who have not surrendered their weapons and identification to the States to be enemy combatants in a state of war.

    We The People of the United States formally declare war against the Chinese Communist Party, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter. We The People of the United States hereby declare Antifa, Black Lives Matter, all members of the CCP, and all military personnel controlled by the CCP to be enemy combatants in a state of war. We The People of the United States hereby authorize use of any and all actions necessary to defend the People against these combatants including use of strategic and tactical nuclear, biological and chemical weapons inside and outside the United States.

    In summary, the United States of America is hereby dissolved. All authority given to the federal government and to all State, county and city governments is hereby revoked. Fraudulently elected officials are hereby declared as enemy combatants and a state of war is declared to exist inside and outside our States. All State citizens are hereby legally deputized and authorized to use whatever means necessary to defend themselves at all times everywhere. All State borders are hereby declared sovereign and States are hereby authorized to seize and control all federal assets and personnel within their borders. All States are hereby authorized to create their own laws, currencies, and armed forces. All federal laws, regulations, rules, taxes, treaties, contracts, and agreements are hereby null and void. The authority given by the American People to operate the United States federal government is hereby revoked indefinitely until such time as a national government operating with free and fair elections can be built again.

  4. “We The People of the United States hereby formally revoke all express and implied authority for the operation of all public offices at all levels of government. ” – YEH’ LETS SEE YOU PUT YOUR WALLET WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND REFUSE TO PAY ANY MORE TAXES”…helllo…echo…where he gone….

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