Cornelia Hertzler stated that doctors noticed a blood clot in her infant boy “within a few hours after” a general blood bank transfusion. The baby died of large blood clot after doctor ignored the parents’ request for an unvaxxed transfusion.

Baby Dies Of Large Blood Clot After Doctor Ignores Parents Request For Unvaxxed Transfusion

A baby boy passed away of a large blood clot in Washington state when a hospital administered him a blood transfusion from a regular stockpile rather than from an unvaccinated donor, as his guardians had sought.

In addition to learning that their son Alexander had an abnormally connected esophagus and trachea shortly after his birth on January 3, 2022, Cornelia Hertzler and Ron Bly also learned that he had a heart condition called Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV), in which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are mixed, which necessitated surgery for long-term survival.

Alexander was airlifted to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, a Catholic hospital, to undertake neonatal heart surgery. His parents informed the hospital that they “did not want any blood transfusions from the blood bank” because they “were worried about blood from vaccinated donors causing blood clots.”

Bly added that their worry was prompted, at least in part, by the passing of a friend who was in her 60s and “very healthy,” but who “had a heart attack three days after getting the Moderna shot,” to Louisa Clary of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation on Thursday.”

The “hospital finally conceded, the day before” Alexander’s first operation, “that all the family needed to do was fill out a few forms to accept and utilize blood from specific donors,” according to Brian Wilkins, editor-in-chief of The COVID Blog. The hospital had previously informed the parents that using unvaccinated blood from a directed donor would be extremely difficult and “very expensive”.

“Turns out, the entire process was relatively easy and inexpensive,” said Hertzler. However, as Bly pointed out to Clary, the hospital still “kept delaying and delaying on” providing the “paperwork to get directed donor blood.”

By the time of Alexander’s second procedure, the paperwork had not been completed in time for the parents to use the unvaccinated blood for a transfusion. Alexander did not need blood for the procedure itself, but Dr. Eleane Beadle ruled that he would need a blood transfusion the following day due to low hemoglobin levels.

“Instead of waiting a few more days for the blood we had donated to be fully processed and available,” Bly explained, the doctor utilized blood from a common blood bank for the transfusion.

Wikins has pointed out that Washington “had a 70% fully-vaccinated population by February 1, 2022, with 79% receiving at least one injection,” and so “there was a near 80% chance Alexander got vaxxed blood.”

The doctor “found the blood clot within a few hours after he got the transfusion,” Hertzler informed Clary on Thursday.

While the doctors had earlier informed them that “blood clots are very rare” in a situation like Alexander’s, Hertzler claimed that after he developed one, they explained, “Well, this happens. But…it’s something a blood thinner can fix.”

“And the blood thinners — they had him on the highest dose they could give an infant. And it did nothing. [The clot] just kept growing really fast,” she went on.

Hertzler contends that had the clot had been “normal,” blood thinners would have assisted in its dissolution. “Given our understanding” of the discovery of anomalous clots in the vaxxed deceased, she said, “we know that it’s not a normal blood clot.”

In a fundraiser for Alexander, Bly noted that the clot expanded to be “enormous” and “eventually stretched from his left knee all the way to his heart.”

A bacterial infection of MRSA “colonized the blood clot and no amount of medication nor antibiotics could shrink the clot or remove the infection.”

Alex died on February 17, 2022, 12 days after surgery. Wilkins revealed that he was buried in Walla Walla, Washington, following a Russian Orthodox burial.

Bly later stated on Alexander’s fundraising page that his wife contacted Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital, which “claim[ed] they can find no record of our son.”

Hertzler informed Clary that she “emailed the records team” at the hospital and was given a form to fill out as well as requested to submit her ID and any names under which Alexander might be registered.

“I sent my last name, his last name, like his legal name … and she tried every single name and couldn’t pull anything up and said, I can’t find any record of him being in our system.’”

On Thursday, the media got in touch with Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center to “confirm a few facts” concerning a story about a newborn born there earlier this year.

“I have no information regarding that and this conversation is terminated,” replied a hospital staffer.

Due to lengthy delays in receiving his formal birth certificate at his birth hospital, which she claimed was caused by a staff shortages, Hertzler informed Clary that Alexander possesses a “honorary birth certificate.”

The High Court of New Zealand recently granted temporary guardianship to a four-month-old newborn after his parents insisted that only blood not contaminated by the COVID-19 “vaccine” be used during surgery to fix their son’s heart condition.

A video of the child being taken away by police from his parents has since gained traction, with the mother sobbing and pleading as the officials take her child away.

Following the implementation of the COVID vaccinations, a large number of people have had heart difficulties. According to one significant recent autopsy report, three patients who died unexpectedly at home with no pre-existing disease soon after receiving COVID inoculation were most likely affected by the vaccine. According to the report (read below), the deaths could be the result of a vaccine-related autoimmune attack on the heart.

Read the document below:


3 Responses

  1. The parents should file murder charges against all involved. Then sue them for damages.

  2. When a person assumes the role of God, they should know that the real Author of Life might take over and make a fool of them. By ignoring the parent wishes the Dr. in this case & the case of the baby in New Zealand have opened up a can of worms that might take decades to get back in the can at great expense to the doctor & the state.

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