Two young BBC journalists have died from what media calls a mysterious “short illness” after taking the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine branded as Covishield in India. There are no details provided about the illness with any mention of vaccine scrubbed from the reports.

2 Young BBC Journalists Dead From Mysterious Short Illness After AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine

Lisa Shaw

Ms Shaw joined BBC Radio Newcastle in 2016 as a daytime presenter. Her voice was well-known in the north-east of England where she had also had a successful career in commercial radio.

In a statement, Ms Shaw’s family said: “Lisa developed severe headaches a week after receiving her AstraZeneca vaccine and fell seriously ill a few days later.

“She was treated by the RVI’s [Royal Victoria Infirmary] intensive care team for blood clots and bleeding in her head.

A coroner will consider if the cause of BBC presenter Lisa Shaw’s death might have been complicated by her having had the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

Her family said the 44-year-old was treated for blood clots days after her first jab.

An interim fact-of-death certificate lists the vaccine as one of the possible factors being considered.

It confirms an investigation into Ms Shaw’s death will be held and lists a “complication of AstraZeneca Covid-19 virus vaccination” as a consideration.

The BBC Radio Newcastle presenter was not known to have any underlying health problems.

Interestingly, days after her death BBC reported that Lisa Shaw died in hospital after a “short illness”, with no mentiin of the vaccine whatsoever.

What exactly was the “short illness” is still a mystery. However, this is not the only case.

Dom Busby

Busby worked at the BBC for more than 30 years across many local radio stations, and more recently BBC Sport and BBC Radio 5 Live.

Mr. Dom Busby received the first dose of his AstraZeneca vaccine on March 14, according to his Twitter page. He posted photos of himself receiving the injection.

The BBC reported that Mr. Busby passed away on June 10 after a “short illness.” No further details were given with no mention of the vaccine whatsoever.

Cover-up of Vaccine deaths

These are not the only two cases, there are numerous such cases where the media is deliberately misleading people by withholding details and dreaming up new mystery illnesses to divert attention from the obvious cause – the vaccine side-effects.

Recently, the Director at Oracle, Joel Kallman who designed CDC’s Vaccine Tracking System died two months after taking the COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Earlier, well known Indian actor and the Tamilnadu state’s ambassador for creating public health messages passed away a day after he received the COVID-19 vaccine.

His vaccination was at a public event with TV channels carrying photographs of him taking the shot. As the cardiac arrest happened less than 24 hours after the inoculation, there were questions raised whether he died due to the side-effects of the vaccine.

Common Deadly Blood Clots

German scientists have found out how the broken parts of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines branded as Covishield in India mutate to trigger blood clots in recipients.

Scientists say the vaccine is sent into the cell nucleus instead of surrounding fluid, where parts of it break off and create mutated versions of themselves. The mutated versions then enter the body and trigger the blood clots.

Earlier, German scientists found the exact 2 step process how the COVID-19 vaccine causes blood clots in recipients. They describe a series of events that has to happen in the body before the vaccines create these large clots.

Capillary Leak Syndrome

Meanwhile, the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) safety committee has added another blood condition to the potential side effects of AstraZeneca’s vaccine branded as Covishield in India – the Capillary Leak Syndrome.

Capillary leak syndrome is a condition that causes fluid to leak out of blood vessels and could cause very low blood pressure, leading to pain, nausea and tiredness or, in the worst case, kidney failure and strokes.

11 Responses

  1. it is open clear as day that the medias worldwide to most 95% are in jewish hands working together in this covidvax fraud to fill the pockets of
    their jewish pharmacompanies with 5 milion freemason helpers to implement JEW WORLD ORDER dictatorship and the Great WEF Reset .
    so world be thankful that you honored , respected + celebrated over 200 years the thousands of satanical secret freemason lodges . all
    secret mafia organisations like the mentioned should be worldwide disbandad ,abolished, forbidden !
    NOW YOU ENTER THE WORLD EMPIRE OF SATAN ! greetings from Albert Pike ,Georg Orwell, Aldous Huxley ,Aleister Crowley; Eli Ravage,
    Maurice Samuel , Israel Cohen , Zion Protocolls , Talmud grading of GOYIM, biblical genocides against canaaniter, jebusiter, edomiter etc.
    and we GOYIM are Amalek destinated to be exterminated not to forget : Hooton plan, Kalergi plan, Nitzer plan, th Newman Kaufman plan,
    Morgenthau plan and many more . the rest world population destined as their microchip over 5 G steered and controled Zombi slaves !

  2. It is really strange that this news channel did not bother to mention the vaccination status of its own employees who are dead now. Whoever is concerned with this, should consider whether it has anything to do with the vaccine side effects and if so should recommend corrective action to prevent further occurrences like this.

  3. The mRNA VACCINES are used to kill the the people in one way or the other ! For some in a quick way, let us say in some months but very many people will die in 5 years !
    There is no doubt about it and this is a crime against mankind ! This must be stopped !

  4. I think the public worldwide would be stunned if they knew the extent of the death and injuries of these “kill shots”. The bad guys have closed the loop on corruption and appear to have total control of our media, our law enforcement and our politicians.

    It’s amazing that groups of doctors and lawyers are coming together to educate and lead us, but as far as I know, not one single group of law enforcement or prosecutors are working to protect us. Why is that?

  5. Ignorance is no longer an option. These people know the risks. It was their choice to have ‘the jab.’ Sorry, but I have no sympathy for the Devil.

  6. Blood sacrifices from the jab will continue as long as people keep ” volunteering to die from them. The Legions grow stronger with each death and their power increases two fold.

    May all of them RIP where ever they wind up.

  7. Let’s Live ro see for the next 4 years on the proportion of vaxers who succumbed to the vaccinations ….before that we should not mark anyone criminal unless proven guilty. We need 2 give them benefit of doubt

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