According to the latest leaked documents, Reuters and BBC alongside Bellingcat and intel contractors took part in the UK FCO-funded program for bringing “attitudinal change” in Russia and weakening its influence – a covert regime change to topple Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Leaked Docs Reveal UK Funded Reuters, BBC, Bellingcat For Covert Regime Change In Russia To Topple Putin

According to several leaked documents, to promote regime change in Russia and undermine the government across Central Asia and Eastern Europe, Reuters and the BBC conducted several covert programs funded by the UK FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office).

The leaked materials indicate the participation of BBC Media Action and Thomas Reuters Foundation working alongside “the Consortium” in a clandestine warfare campaign against Russia.

The Consortium is a secret entity with several intelligence contractors and the CDMD (Counter Disinformation & Media Development), the mysterious department within the UK FCO.

The British Foreign Office offered training programs to Russian journalists overseen by Reuters to make an attitudinal change and develop a positive perception of the UK.

A former Labour MP, Chris Williamson alleges that the revelations indicate British agents using the same tactics that media commentators and politicians allege Russia of using against its adversaries.

Williamson gained public attention when rallied for public scrutiny to the activities of CDMD.

According to Williamson, BBC and Reuters have brought shame to the corporate media and disclosed the double standards.

As an answer to the allegation Jenny Vereker, the spokesperson of Thomas Reuters Foundation has confirmed the leaked document’s authenticity.

But, she opposed the engagement of the Thomas Reuters Foundation in any secret activities.

She alleges that such inaccurate and misinterpreted information puts the work of the foundation in a negative light.

She further added that the foundation has always supported the free press and encouraged journalists to report with freedom.

The hacking collective known as Anonymous has claimed credit for the new leaks. From 2018 to 2020, they have released a tranche of UK FCO-related documents.

In October 2018, Anonymous released documents exposing the UK FCO propaganda campaign for Syrian regime change. When the Foreign Office stated the hacking of their computer systems, the authenticity of leaked documents became clear.

The latest leaks explain in appalling detail how the BBC and Reuters tried to help the British foreign ministry in a covert regime change to topple Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As per the leaks, weakening Russia’s influence on its neighbor is the main goal of UK FCO according to the CDMD’s director.

The two of the largest and popular news media solicited multimillion-dollar contracts to cultivate Russian journalists for the advancement of interventionist aims of the British state.

It organized tours and training sessions funded by the FCO for pro-NATO accounts in regions under Russia’s influence. Around 15,000 journalists and staff worked for this propaganda with 400 people working inside Russia alone.

Bellingcat, Mediazona (founded by Pussy Riot), and Meduza, the high-profile, popular, and independent media outlets offered their support to carry out the coveted UK CFO projects.

In the leaked documents, the intervention in the 2019 North Macedonia elections in favor of pro-NATO candidates by Bellingcat with the support of the UK CFO becomes clear.

Zinc Network, the intelligence contractors overseeing the operation boasts of having an established network of YouTubers in Central Asia and Russia who received payments not registered as external funding. The firm also flaunted its ability to produce content to strengthen the anti-government protests in Russia. 

The documents released by the hackers also point to the role of NATO member states such as the UK in influencing the 2020 color revolution-style protests held in Belarus. It also raises serious questions on the arrest of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader.

Furthermore, these leaked materials have put the two largest media houses in a bad light. It seems like these two organizations feel they are above public scrutiny due to their association with the British national security agency.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, a Russian counter-intelligence operation busted Alexei Navalny collaborating with a British Mi6 agent in order to topple Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Integrity Initiative also infiltrated America. The UK-funded covert influence group proposed opening a new office in the US to train a “younger generation of Russia watchers” and “strengthen” America’s role in countering Moscow. Leaks show how Integrity Initiative infiltrated America and drafted US for the new Cold War.

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