Richard Trumka Jr the commissioner of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said that Biden Administration may ban gas stoves because it’s a hidden hazard.

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The Biden administration may decide to outlaw gas stoves due to worries about their capacity to produce indoor pollutants, despite the fact that they are loved for their simple and quick adjustability and used in around 40% of American homes.

Richard Trumka Jr., commissioner of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), told Bloomberg that “this is a hidden hazard.” The son of the late AFL-CIO president declared that “any option is on the table.” “Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

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76% of the stoves in restaurants uses gas, making them even more common. According to Mike Whatley of the National Restaurant Association, “there are certain types of food and certain culinary techniques that really require a flame in some way, shape or form to work and also for consistency and quality purposes.”

A staggering 94% of gas-using restaurant operators claim that a ban would harm their industry. Already, some cooks are defying:

Democrats Cory Booker of New Jersey and Don Beyer of Virginia submitted a letter to the safety commission in December pleading with them to address gas stove emissions because they place a “cumulative burden” on “Black, Latino, and low-income households.” 18 additional lawmakers also co-signed the letter.

According to the EPA and the World Health Organization, gas stove emissions are linked to a wide range of illnesses, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory conditions. According to a research published last month, stoves are to blame for 12% of childhood asthma cases.

Any sort of cooking, according to critics, emits potentially hazardous gases. Instead of outlawing a particular technology, Jill Notini of the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers told Bloomberg that the topic of ventilation should be the focus of this debate. “We may need some behaviour change, we may need [people] to turn on their hoods when cooking.” 

Consumer Reports suggested that readers think about buying an electric stove for their next appliance in October after studies revealed that gas stoves were generating “high levels of potentially dangerous nitrogen oxide.”

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“Our tests found NO₂ at levels above those recommended by some public health organizations for indoors, particularly when the ranges were used without ventilation and when a burner was set on high,” said Consumer Reports’ Ashita Kapoor. “That’s alarming.”

The CPSC’s next move toward banning gas stoves is expected to start later this winter with an open public comment period on the risks they pose. The organisation could establish emission standards instead of a ban.

While this is going on, several states and municipalities have already made gas stoves a target. Later this year, a restriction on natural gas connections in new structures with fewer than seven floors in New York City will go into force. Starting in 2027, such lines will be prohibited in taller buildings.

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