We take a look inside of Biden’s $53 billion dollar COVID testing scam. President Biden has stated that up to one billion tests will be made accessible for circulation. $53 billion has been been allocated by Congress for COVID-19 testing.

Inside Biden’s $53 Billion Dollar COVID Testing Scam

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a lot of information about who ought to get examined. As per COVIDtests.gov, families can acquire the tests via the mails, at a nearby drug store, or with one of at least 20,000 free testing centres. Every U.S. household will receive up to four free COVID-19 fast antigen at-home testing from the federal government.

Private insurers and group health plans have been authorized by the Biden Administration to cover up to 32 quick tests per month for a household of four. The ruling exempts government insurance programmes like Medicare and Medicaid.

President Biden has stated that up to one billion tests will be made accessible for circulation. $53 billion has been been allocated by Congress for COVID-19 testing, with $29 billion remaining unallocated.

Supply chain concerns

It’s unclear how efficient the distribution will be or how effective it will be in combating the coronavirus.

“We have insurance mandates and the U.S. mail; what could go wrong?”  Doug Badger, a senior fellow at the Galen Institute and the Heritage Foundation, was the one who asked the question.

One issue is the effect of the administration’s hoarding of tests on the distribution chain.

“If the government plans to mail out one billion tests, what does that do to the supply at your local Walgreens? Already, the tests are in short supply,” said Badger.

“I don’t think this parallel distribution chain is going to be the best way to do it.”

Furthermore, 200 million people have private health insurance, which allows them to seek close to 6.4 billion tests each month.

“Obviously, if everyone were to use this benefit, you would never be able to get any of these tests,” Badger remarked.

Enrollees with private insurance will purchase the test and request compensation from their insurers. Certain pharmacies may have agreements with some insurers. In any event, reimbursements will be restricted to $12 per test, so if there is a scarcity, as with any goods in limited supply, testing may cost participants much more.

More testing, more positive results

More individuals are testing positive for COVID-19 as more Americans have accessibility to free or low-cost tests. Around the second week of December, the number of cases began to rise. People who test positive have a cascading impact on activity because they notify others, who would then feel forced to get tested or remain home, regardless of symptoms.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a lot of information about who ought to get examined.

The CDC advises testing for folks who have COVID-19 signs, individuals who’ve been in “close contact with someone with COVID-19,” instant testing for people that are not fully vaccinated and have been in “close contact,” and people who have been asked or referred to get tested by a school, workplace, or health care provider.

People who “are sick with COVID-19” or “think [they] might have COVID-19” are advised to remain at home, isolate themselves from everyone else, and notify all close connections of a probable infection, according to the website.

Cold symptoms?

Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, exhaustion, muscular or body pains, headaches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhoea are all symptoms of COVID-19, according to the CDC.

Several of these characteristics are similar to those of a common cold, and they are typical in the winter when individuals are usually indoors and in close contact with each other. The CDC says that it is still learning more about the COVID-19 Omicron strain.

“More data are needed to know if Omicron infections, and especially reinfections and breakthrough infections in people who are fully vaccinated, cause more severe illness or death than infection with other variants,” states the agency’s website. Vaccines, masks, and testing are all recommended.

Widespread testing ‘makes no sense’

According to Jeffrey Singer, M.D., a senior scholar at the Cato Institute, testing large swathes of the common masses for a range of common symptoms is asking for a catastrophe to happen.

“It makes no sense to test everyone, symptomatic or otherwise, high-risk or otherwise, considering the large percentage of the population that at this point has a fair amount of immunity,” said Singer.

“We will wind up unnecessarily shuttering much of society,” said Singer. “Test the symptomatic and test those who work with vulnerable people, such as nursing home workers, hospital workers, and caregivers. We need focused testing along with focused protection if we ever hope to live in a world with endemic COVID.”

Test until positive

According to Erwin Haas, M.D., an infectious disease specialist and policy advisor at The Heartland Institute, massive public testing can cause all sorts of data errors.” “[The statistician Thomas] Bayes would have scoffed,” said Haas.

Haas claims that numerous members of his family experienced cold-like symptoms. Three of the four PCR tests performed on the household were negative. “My question about which tests are truly negative, and which are positive, has been ignored,” claimed Haas.

According to Haas, the question then seems to become who must be retested. “The point of testing seems to be to continue testing until the individual gets a positive, not to manage the disease,” said Haas. “It’s more of a fashion statement.”

As per Haas, when a virus mutates, it gets more rapidly transferred yet has weaker symptoms.

“The Omicron variant does not seem to be that serious and, if very contagious, a classical off-ramp for epidemic infections,” he remarked.

What government should do

Badger says he supports rapid tests, but that they could have been a wiser approach earlier in the pandemic, when the more severe variants of the virus were circulating and the government’s reaction was always to limit action. The tests were stalled by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Instead, both of the Trump and Biden governments enacted executive measures to combat the virus, along with a moratorium on evictions and vaccine mandates, which were later overturned by judges, including the United States Supreme Court.

Thus according Badger, the ideal thing for the authorities to do is to equip individuals with knowledge so that they can then make informed judgments regarding their health.

“Nobody is going stop the virus. The government does not command biology any more than King Canute couldn’t command the tides,” said Badger.

“Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world, imposed a number of restrictions on its citizens, and is now facing an enormous outbreak of Omicron,” he continued,

“We’ve really distorted the role of government and private citizens, not just with liberty but with respect to personal responsibility.That is what we mean when we say democracy is in trouble.”

“At the point government loses trust in the ability of its citizenry to make good judgments in their personal lives, that is the point you transition from democracy to tyranny. Because if we can’t take care of ourselves, if the government has to make decisions for us, then the government is going to look very different from the one described in our Constitution.”

2 Responses

  1. We already know the tests are ineffective as they give too many false positives. The only thing the tests are good for is part of the ponzi money grab that is COVID.

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