Congressman Mike Turner, who represents Ohio in the House of Representatives, has accused senior U.S. intelligence officials of abusing their power as a Biden family whistleblower goes missing.

A Republican lawmaker has accused senior U.S. intelligence officials of abusing their power to quash stories about the disgraced first son’s laptop.

Congressman Mike Turner, who represents Ohio in the House of Representatives and is the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said some of the country’s top spies wrongly branded reporting by the New York Post as the work of the Kremlin.

The 2020 article broke the news that the 53-year-old appeared to be using his connections to his father to land lucrative business deals abroad. 

Congressman Mike Turner, on the right, has been one of the GOP’s most vocal critics of Hunter Biden’s alleged influence-peddling
Joe Biden’s relatives are accused of using their influence and access to the president to land business and donations from abroad

Turner was speaking to Fox News about a letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials signed to discredit the reports on Hunter’s leaked emails. 

‘Joe Biden knew that he was lying to the American public, and he used these 51, who had past credentials in intelligence, to claim that something was Russian misinformation’ Turner said.

The head of the House’s intelligence committee said there had been ‘unexplained infusions of money into the Biden family that really has no cause and understanding.’

‘The FBI is — should be looking at these as evidences of a crime. But, in fact, that appears the FBI is being less than helpful, if not obscuring the congressional — obstructing the congressional investigation,’ he added.

The 63-year-old has alleged that Secretary of State Antony Blinken, at the time serving as a Biden campaign adviser, helped to organize the intelligence officials’ public statement.

Turner’s comments came Tim Burchett, a Republican Congressman from Tennessee, said GOP officials had been unable to ‘track down’ one of their key witnesses.

The National Pulse has reportedly found reports that confirm CIA operatives aided in the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop.

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