The Biden administration is offering a $500,000 grant aimed at English teachers who teach language skills to transgender youth in Pakistan.

The Biden administration is offering a $500,000 grant to help teach the English language in Pakistan, in part by providing “intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth.”

The State Department grant said it is aimed at teaching English language skills to Pakistani youth so they can “better participate in the global community and prepare them for success in the workplace.” The grant aims to reach that goal by focusing on three components: “(1) Professional Development for English Language Teachers from Non-Mainstream Institutions; (2) Professional Development for novice Pakistani English language teachers; and (3) Professional Development for Transgender Youth and for Afghan Teachers, Students, and Young Professionals Residing in Pakistan.”

Biden teacher grants in Pakistan
The Biden administration is offering a $500,000 grant to help teach the English language in Pakistan, in part by providing “intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth.”

The program component that includes a focus on transgender youth accepts proposals from applicants “for a minimum of $25,000 and a maximum of $75,000 to implement: (1) intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth from the ages of 13-25, and (2) and intensive professional development courses for Afghan teachers, students, and young professionals residing in Pakistan.”

The Washington Times has reported that Joe Biden has signed a bill formally ending the COVID-19 public health emergency.

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2 Responses

  1. 500K to diddle youths in Paki Land. The entire US academic system just all went on sabbatical.

  2. Transgender youth in Pakistan??? They’re under shariah law. Any hint of “trans” anything will be killed.

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