Biden’s stenographer dropped a bombshell about Obama, revealing that Obama’s USAID provided American taxpayer dollars for an energy conservation scheme called the Municipal Energy Reform Program (MERP), which turned out to be a “criminal” scam.

It wasn’t just Joe’s shale gas assistance Hunter and Burisma got their hooks into.

Obama’s USAID ponied up American taxpayer dollars for an energy conservation scam, the Municipal Energy Reform Program (MERP,) and Burisma got a big chunk of that too — meaning Joe and Hunter got their kickback share.

And Obama was right in the thick of it.

How do I know that? Because Jake Sullivan said so — only he didn’t think he’d be identified as the speaker outing the scam. But now he is. By me — because I was standing next to him. Here’s the link to the crime-ridden April 21st, 2014, Air Force Two background briefing given by Sullivan.

As I have previously indicated, Hunter Biden surreptitiously signed up to be a highly paid board member of Burisma Holdings three days earlier on April 18th with Joe’s knowledge and guidance.

That means Joe Biden knowingly diverted substantial U.S. assistance to a company which was at the time paying his son to sit on its board — which is why I say without hesitation: Joe Biden is a criminal.

And Jake Sullivan is too. His crime is conveying that information to the press, which makes him a co-conspirator for covering for Joe’s knowledge of Hunter’s business with Burisma then and ever since.

And Barack Obama is too.

Following are two screenshots of the transcript of that briefing that I prepared for Biden’s communications team who published it under the Office of the Vice President, meaning the contents of this transcript were entirely Joe’s responsibility.

Note that the speaker is identified as a senior administration official. But I have divulged as an eyewitness that Jake Sullivan was the unnamed speaker, and that he began the briefing after close consultation with Joe Biden in the front of the plane.

Doctors, repeatedly exhorting them, to get the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, reveal the Great COVID-19 Vaccine Bribe.

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