Despite the fact that Gates is not a qualified medical expert and has never attended college, his vast wealth has enabled him to successfully dominate global health policy through the Gates Foundation. And now, Bill Gates has called for a global pandemic task force.

Bill Gates Calls For Global Pandemic Task Force 1

Despite being the largest donor, the World Health Organization is now the only entity capable of forming and managing a “top-notch” multi-domain group of health specialists to identify, avert, and combat potential pandemics, according to the Microsoft co-founder.

With over 6.2 million inhabitants approximated to have died from Covid-19 and its comorbidities during the pandemic, Gates cautions that the worst is yet to come in a discussion with the Financial Times published on Sunday, merely days before his new book, titled “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,” is expected to hit shelves.

“We’re still at risk of this pandemic generating a variant that would be even more transmissive and even more fatal,” Gates cautioned. While he said he did not want to be a “voice of doom and gloom,” Gates said the possibility that “we haven’t even seen the worst”  of the present pandemic is “way above a 5%,” and he underlined the need for better, longer-lasting vaccinations.

The billionaire philanthropist reaffirmed his request for the creation of a worldwide emergency response team known as GERM (Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization) with a funding of at least $1 billion per year. The cost of the program, according to Gates, is “very small compared to the benefit,” and it will be a measure of world leaders’ capacity to “take on new responsibilities.”

He delivered a TED Talk in Vancouver last month to expand on the concept, which he previously discussed in his book, saying he expected the group to consist of at least 3,000 doctors, epidemiologists, policy and communications professionals, and diplomats working under the WHO’s leadership.

WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus praised Gates’ book, agreeing with the software mogul that “we must act on Covid-19’s lessons and innovate so that we can deliver swift, equitable health solutions to prevent the next pandemic.”

Despite the fact that Gates is not a qualified medical expert and has never attended college, his vast wealth has enabled him to successfully dominate global health policy through the Gates Foundation, which is the second largest private benefactor to the global health organization, trailing only the US government in terms of investment.

Not only because of the millions of dollars his foundations has invested in vaccine creation and deployment, but also because of another TED presentation he gave in 2015, in which the tech magnate initially cautioned the world was poorly prepared for a “inevitable” worldwide pandemic.

4 Responses

  1. If it would be true ‘there is no God & no white hats’ then a scenario of BILL Gates as ‘World Health Architect’ & Saint Anthony Fauci as ‘Chief of Medical Enforcement’ would be a Reality …… NOT. ….. …shalom, al jenkins

  2. Billy boy, a loser who never got a university degree, lived from his parent’s wealth, stole code from other projects if he couldn’t buy features, a friend of Epstein and forced to leave Microsoft due to sexual harassment now wants to play uncle doctor games with humanity.
    How sick is this world? People like him belong into a room with very soft walls!

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