Bill Gates’ greatest one-year “charity” deed in more than a decade was a pass-through gift to surrogates for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. Now it seems that he has a new target as Bill Gates pours millions into an NGO army to attack Elon Musk twitter deal.

Bill Gates Pours Millions Into NGO Army To Attack Elon Musk Twitter Deal 1

The newly founded Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO) reviewed public records to track hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from the letter signatories down to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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A Gates-backed entity funded 11 of the 26 anti-Musk parties in total.

The New Venture Fund, which earned the Gates Foundation’s biggest one-year commitment in more than a decade in 2020, sponsors four of the signatories:

Five of the signatories are funded by the Tides Foundation, which is also a Gates Foundation grantee:

Two more signatories are linked to Gates Foundation funding:

The open letter’s link to Microsoft founder Bill Gates is crucial, as Gates is embroiled in a public fight with freedom of speech champion Elon Musk. Last month, Gates disclosed his $500 million short position in Tesla, leading Musk to label Gates a “b*ner” killer and post a meme depicting Gates as a pregnant man emoji.

Gates is also a vocal supporter of censorship, constantly urging tech companies to do more to prevent “health misinformation” from propagating online.

Musk has threatened to undo Gates’ highly desired censorship regulations, which has enraged Gates-funded NGOs.

Musk recently requested his 94 million Twitter followers to help him find the financing behind the 26 non-governmental organizations that signed an intimidation letter vowing to damage the company’s advertising revenue if Musk modified its censoring policy.

Musk followed up on his appeal by mentioning one particular shady organization, Accountable Tech, and mused, “I wonder who funds them.”

His interest was piqued by a Washington Free Beacon probe into Accountable Tech, which tried to uncover the nonprofit’s financial sponsorship. The Free Beacon went to Accountable Tech’s corporate headquarters in Washington and came to the conclusion that the organization does not “actually exist.”

“Accountable Tech” was, in fact, a “registered trade [name] for the North Fund, a shape-shifting nonprofit group that uses aliases to push an array of left-wing causes from a shell office in Washington, D.C.”

According to the Free Beacon:

Free Beacon then spoke with Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of the watchdog Americans for Public Trust, who identified North Fund as receiving significant capital infusions from two further nonprofits, the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund:

Sutherland found that the North Fund received $19.3 million from the Sixteen Thirty Fund and over $11 million from the New Venture Fund, two organizations that share an address in D.C. Similar to the North Fund, the groups operate under at least 50 trade names—including “Fix Our Senate,” “Floridians for a Fair Shake,” and the “Voter Engagement Fund.”

However, the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund don’t disclose their donors either, leading to a dead end in the money trail.

However, the trail isn’t quite as cold.

What is understood about New Venture Fund’s dark money financing is that it is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

According to FFO’s review of disclosure records for the Gates Foundation grantee list, there have been 102 different cash donations to or through New Venture Fund totaling $457 million since 2008.

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Source: Foundation for Freedom Online 

The $70 million in cash grants discovered by Sludge from the Gates Foundation to New Venture Fund in 2020 is the Gates Foundation’s single greatest one-year donation to any other single recipient since 2014, and its second-largest ever.

This figure could be substantially higher. Influence Watch reports $126 million in 2020, whereas FFO confirms at least $85 million from public data that year. According to FFO, after the 2020 election cycle, Gates funding decreased all the way down to $11 million for 2021.

Given the political nature of the New Venture Fund’s mission, the steep decrease in financing following the 2020 election seems logical. It is the parent organization of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which has been regarded as one of the largest pro-Democrat dark money nonprofits in America and is another megadonor to anti-Musk signatory Accountable Tech.

Sludge reports:

Sixteen Thirty Fund was a major player in the 2018 midterm elections, but played an even more significant role in the 2020 cycle, spending roughly $60 million funding the most prominent pro-Joe Biden super PACs, including seven-figure donations to Future Forward USA, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Take Back 2020, Priorities USA, Unite The Country, American Bridge, America’s Progressive Promise, Pacronym and other groups that spent hundreds of millions of dollars combined on anti-Trump and pro-Biden ads. The Republican-led anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project received $300,000 from Sixteen Thirty Fund in 2020.

The nonprofits of Arabella’s network spend millions funding other political organizations and dark money groups, such as America Votes and Center for Popular Democracy—but they also spend millions of dollars annually on lobbying the U.S. government.

That implies Gates’ greatest one-year “charity” deed in more than a decade – while overseeing the world’s largest “philanthropy” network – was a pass-through gift to surrogates for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

So much for eradicating AIDS, world hunger, and disease – the Gates Foundation’s #1 focus appears to be electing Democrats, according to the figures.

Musk just declared that he will vote Republican for the first time in 2022. That, combined with his declared goal to overturn a half-decade of creeping censorship on Twitter, places him squarely in the path of Gates’ philanthropic freight train of hired political proxies. Bill Gates is sponsoring a whole NGO army, with its sights set on Elon Musk.

3 Responses

  1. It has to be reiterated, continually, that Bill Gates is the son of the most prominent eugenicist of the 20th Century. As is their habit; he was probably raped as a child and had his mind broken so as to be easily malleable by his handlers. You know, MK Ultra style! Who might they be? It is more that a little hilarious that his name may be interpreted as ‘the Gates of Baal’. Know who your friends are…

  2. If Bill Gates is so against Musk, Musk must be doing something right. Why has Bill Gates not yet been charge criminally for being the organized crime operative he is? Gates, Trudeau and Fauci and many more have a lot of blood on their hands.

  3. BETTER Watch Out li’l Billy – – playing w adults now, i see a very sad ending for you and the clever pranks you pull ! shalom to all

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