Six children in the eastern DRC provinces of Tanganyika and South Kivu were discovered to have circulating vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus. Bill Gates vaccine causes Polio outbreak in Burundi and Congo.

Bill Gates Vaccine Causes Polio Outbreak In Burundi and Congo

According to the World Health Organization and Global Polio Eradication Initiative, incidences of vaccine-derived poliovirus have been found in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The WHO reported that the Burundian authorities had deemed the virus’ discovery a national public health emergency after cases were confirmed in a four-year-old kid in the western Burundian district of Isale and two of his contacts who had not received the vaccine, reports Reuters.

The WHO noted in a statement that five more samples taken during environmental surveillance of waste water had verified the existence of poliovirus type 2 in circulation in Burundi.

Unlike wild poliovirus, circulating poliovirus type 2 causes infections when a weakened strain of the poliovirus present in the oral polio vaccination spreads among under-immunized populations over an extended length of time.

The detections are noteworthy because they are the first to be connected to the use of a brand-new vaccination, the novel oral poliomyelitis vaccine type 2 (nOPV2), which was created especially to lower this risk.

Six children in the eastern DRC provinces of Tanganyika and South Kivu were discovered to have circulating vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus, according to a statement from the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).

With assistance from the WHO and GPEI, Burundi intends to carry out a polio vaccination campaign in the upcoming weeks for all qualified children up to the age of 7, according to the WHO.

“While detection of these outbreaks is a tragedy for the family and communities affected, it is not unexpected with wider use of the vaccine,” said the GPEI, a collaboration of the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and other global health organizations.

It stated that 600 million doses of the new vaccine had been provided in 28 countries since March 2021, and that the vaccination was both safe and effective.

According to the GPEI, the DRC has scheduled a vaccine program for April.

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