Laboratory mice who were administered the compound labelled as GPHR-529 witnessed dramatic decline in semen. With this result in view, FDA is set to start trials for birth control pill for men soon.

FDA To Start Trials For Birth Control Pills For Men

The very first male birth control pill, which now has showed promising outcomes in lab tests, may be ready for human trials by the end of the year.

The contraceptive, developed by University of Minnesota scientists, has been shown to be 99 percent efficient in averting conception in rodents without any adverse effects. Instead of employing hormones, the tablet focuses on vitamin A interactions, which are important for conception.

(Hormonal tablets can cause weight gain and libido fluctuations, as well as lower “good” cholesterol concentrations, potentially causing cardiac problems.)

The researchers discovered that mice given the compound, termed GPHR-529, had a dramatic decline in semen, making them sterile after four weeks. When the medications were discontinued, the mice’s virility recovered to normal in four to six weeks.

Md Abdullah Al Noman, a Ph.D. candidate at the institution who has been concentrating on male contraception for some years, is leading the investigation into this novel birth control tablet. The University of Minnesota, on the other hand, has been studying male birth control tablets for quite some time.

In 2018, two researchers said that they had discovered a method to block sperm motility by using an extract from a plant that African warriors and hunters used as a heart-stopping toxin on the points of their arrows. On the contraceptive approach, research (read below) is currently ongoing.

A male contraceptive cream that is applied on the shoulder every day is also being tested in medical trials. (In 2020, a gel-based birth control for women will be authorized.)

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