Black Fungus or Mucormycosis has been declared as an epidemic in the Indian state of Rajasthan. Currently, the state has around 100 black fungus patients and a separate ward has been made at Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Hospital in Jaipur for their treatment. Heath experts say the Black Fungus is caused by the use of steroids during Covid-19 infection.

Black Fungus Or Mucormycosis Declared An Epidemic In Indian State Of Rajasthan

Mucormycosis (black fungus), which is primarily affecting people recovering from COVID, has been declared an epidemic in Rajasthan, officials said on Wednesday.

Currently, the state has around 100 black fungus patients and a separate ward has been made at Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Hospital in Jaipur for their treatment.

Mucormycosis has been notified as an epidemic and a notifiable disease in the state under the Rajasthan Epidemic Act 2020, according to a notification issued by state’s Principal Health Secretary Akhil Arora.

He said the step was taken to ensure integrated and coordinated treatment of black fungus and the coronavirus.
According to experts, people with diabetes are more prone to getting the black fungus infection.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, COVID-19 recovered patients are suffering from post viral symptoms of Mucormycosis (MM) also known as Black Fungus which is making them blind. Heath experts say the Black Fungus is caused by the use of steroids during Covid-19 infection.

The increasing and excessive use of plasma and Remdesivir for treatment is helping the Covid virus to mutate.

If India does not follow evidence-based treatment, it can soon become the breeding ground for many variants of Coronavirus, Dr Raman Gangakhedkar, ex-ICMR scientist said during Covid briefings.

4 Responses

  1. Black fungus is caused due to administering of Steroids to Covid patients by those brain dead doctors. Big Pharma is all in this!

  2. Ironically India has a ” role” in David Rockefeller scenarios for the future of technology and INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT May 2010 report by Judith Rodin President of Rockefeller 2010 report.

    Lock step starts page 18

    Scenario: life in lockstep

    “Life in lockstep

    Manisha gazed out on the Ganges River, mesmerized by what she saw. Back in
    2010, when she was 12 years old, her parents had brought her to this river so that she
    could bathe in its holy waters. But standing at the edge, Manisha had been afraid. It
    wasn’t the depth of the river or its currents that had scared her, but the water itself:
    it was murky and brown and smelled pungently of trash and dead things. Manisha
    had balked, but her mother had pushed her forward, shouting that this river flowed
    from the lotus feet of Vishnu and she should be honored to enter it. Along with
    millions of Hindus, her mother believed the Ganges’s water could cleanse a person’s
    soul of all sins and even cure the sick. So Manisha had grudgingly dunked herself
    in the river, accidentally swallowing water in the process and receiving a bad case
    of giardia, and months of diarrhea, as a result.
    Remembering that experience is what made today so remarkable. It was now 2025.
    Manisha was 27 years old and a manager for the Indian government’s Ganges
    Purification Initiative (GPI). Until recently, the Ganges was still one of the most
    polluted rivers in the world, its coliform bacteria levels astronomical due to the
    frequent disposal of human and animal corpses and of sewage (back in 2010, 89
    million liters per day) directly into the river. Dozens of organized attempts to clean
    the Ganges over the years had failed. In 2009, the World Bank even loaned India
    $1 billion to support the government’s multi-billion dollar cleanup initiative. But
    then the pandemic hit, and that funding dried up. But what didn’t dry up was the
    government’s commitment to cleaning the Ganges—now not just an issue of public
    health but increasingly one of national pride.
    Manisha had joined the GPI in 2020, in part because she was so impressed by
    the government’s strong stance on restoring the ecological health of India’s most
    treasured resource. Many lives in her home city of Jaipur had been saved by the
    government’s quarantines during the pandemic, and that experience, thought
    Manisha, had given the government the confidence to be so strict about river usage

    now: how else could they get millions of Indian citizens to completely shift their
    cultural practices in relationship to a holy site? Discarding ritually burned bodies
    in the Ganges was now illegal, punishable by years of jail time. Companies found
    to be dumping waste of any kind in the river were immediately shut down by the
    government. There were also severe restrictions on where people could bathe and
    where they could wash clothing. Every 20 meters along the river was marked by
    a sign outlining the repercussions of “disrespecting India’s most treasured natural
    resource.” Of course, not everyone liked it; protests flared every so often. But no
    one could deny that the Ganges was looking more beautiful and healthier than ever.
    Manisha watched as an engineering team began unloading equipment on the banks.
    Many top Indian scientists and engineers had been recruited by the government to
    develop tools and strategies for cleaning the Ganges in more high-tech ways. Her
    favorite were the submersible bots that continuously “swam” the river to detect,
    through sensors, the presence of chemical pathogens. New riverside filtration
    systems that sucked in dirty river water and spit out far cleaner water were also
    impressive—especially because on the outside they were designed to look like
    mini-temples. In fact, that’s why Manisha was at the river today, to oversee the
    installation of a filtration system located not even 100 feet from where she first
    stepped into the Ganges as a girl. The water looked so much cleaner now, and recent
    tests suggested that it might even meet drinkability standards by 2035. Manisha
    was tempted to kick off her shoe and dip her toe in, but this was a restricted area
    now—and she, of all people, would never break that law.”

    Interestingly enough recently dead bodies were floating in Indias river said to be related to covid. People [ they dont know which people] just dumped the bodies in the life river of india….coincidence? There are no coincidences

    Also Peter Daszak mentioned ” SPILL OVER” of diseases in India in his interview..

    Spill over happens. And it is associated with disease. Because I ” expect” just like Nipah [ primarily in Bangladesh and India] dozens of spill overs going on the planet at anyone time, which we just never SEE.”

    India has a ROLE in this lock step synergistic strategic plan.

    Letter from Judith Rodin report in lock step.

    “. We take a synergistic, strategic approach…”


    When something is synergistic, it means various parts are working together to produce an enhanced result…You’ve probably heard the phrase “more than the sum of its parts.”

     The prefix syn- means “together with” or “united.” 

    When synergistic parts work together, they accomplish more than they could alone. 

    Synergetic is often used to describe the effect of drugs working together — where one drug increases the other’s effectiveness. Synergistic can also describe the cooperative efforts of several people working together — like a team of superheroes fighting crime.

    Strategy, in warfare, the science or art of employing all the military, economic, political, and other resources of a country to achieve the objects of war.

    This is a war on our life running through our veins called blood.

    What ROLE would India like to take besides the one laid out for them…?

  3. @GGI forget about black fungus we have white fungus now bit more dangerous than black.

    New cases are reported in india

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