Around a month ago, Safe Blood Donation launched operations in the United States and started assembling a network of healthcare providers. The nonprofit blood donation service started matching unvaccinated patients with donors.

Nonprofit Blood Donation Service Starts Matching Unvaccinated Patients With Donors

George Della Pietra, a Swiss naturopath, thinks everyone should have the choice whether to get the COVID-19 vaccine shot or not.

The same, in his opinion, ought to apply to people who receive transfusions of “vaccinated” blood.

“The problem is right now we have no choice,” said Della Pietra, founder of the nonprofit Safe Blood Donation program, which connects unvaccinated blood recipients with donors in 65 countries.

“It was very clear from the beginning that the COVID hype was way out of control,” Della Pietra said. “It was not as dangerous as they say it was.

“As a naturopath, I can make no sense of this pandemic, which was never really a pandemic. It leaves space for so many explanations.”

Della Pietra feels that mRNA injections are riskier than pharmaceutical corporations are ready to disclose. According to him, the increasing number of adverse reactions calls into question their safety and effectiveness.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 58.6% (6,512) of the COVID-19 deaths in August were attributable to people who had received vaccinations and booster shots, up from 41% in January.

In an interview with The Washington Post on November 23, Vice President of the Kaiser Family Foundation Cynthia Cox stated, “We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Since the COVID-19 vaccinations started to be issued in 2021, at the height of the virus’s proliferation, about 70% of the world’s 8 billion inhabitants have received a minimum of one mRNA injection.

The COVID-19 “spike protein” fragments found in each of the three major mRNA COVID-19 vaccines attach to cells to activate an immune response to the virus.

Della Pietra contends that these spike proteins cause “classic symptoms,” such as blood clots, which “horrified” him.

“I’ve never seen anything similar—and I’m not talking only about spike proteins,” Della Pietra told The Epoch Times in a phone interview.

“It’s unbelievable because we never had this problem before. It’s been only two years. They want to keep the narrative [that an mRNA vaccine] is not dangerous.”

Although donated blood and plasma must be cleansed before transfusion, according to Safe Blood Donation, this is insufficient to get rid of all mRNA components.

“I’m talking about graphene oxide and non-declared inorganic components in the vaccine, which we can see in the blood. When I see them, I have no idea how we can get rid of them again,” Della Pietra said.

Looking at the abnormalities in vaccinated blood, he said, “OK, we have a problem.” People are receiving the vaccine “more or less through the back door.”

“You can not avoid it anymore.”

Every year, roughly 16 million units of blood are donated in the United States alone. According to, around 643,000 of those units are “autologous”—self-donated—and the number is growing year after year.

According to Della Pietra, Safe Blood Donation, founded in Switzerland, represents the first unvaccinated blood donation service of its sort.

“So, there is no blood bank with mRNA-free blood yet, not even with us,” Safe Blood Donation states on its website.

“And, although we have already asked hundreds of clinics, at the moment—at least in Europe—all of them still refuse to allow the human right of free blood choice with them—or at least do not want to be mentioned because otherwise, they fear reprisals.”

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A nurse works as employees donate blood during a blood drive held in a bloodmobile in Los Angeles on March 19, 2020. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

According to Della Pietra, the main purpose of Safe Blood Donation is not to establish an mRNA-free blood bank. Rather, it is to enable unvaccinated blood donors and unvaccinated recipients to be matched, “which we bring together in a clinic (medical partner) that allows the choice of blood donor.”

According to the healthcare website Seed Scientific, blood banks and biotech businesses will pay up to $1,000 per month for blood donations.

Despite the absence of unvaccinated blood banks, Della Pietra believes the demand for unvaccinated blood is increasing.

“This is why I decided to do [SafeBlood Donation]. I wanted to make a network for unvaccinated people looking for a blood donor because they need it—whether they have scheduled surgery or an emergency,” he said.

Around a month ago, Safe Blood Donation launched operations in the United States and started assembling a network of healthcare providers.

Central blood banks, like the Red Cross, do not, however, separate their blood donations depending on whether or not they have had vaccinations in the current medical climate.

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Rendering of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins binding to ACE2 receptors. (Shutterstock)

“The American Red Cross does not facilitate designated donations for standard blood needs, as this process often takes longer and is more resource intensive than obtaining a blood product through our normal process,” the Red Cross told The Epoch Times in an email.

“In a small number of situations, there is an exception for rare blood types where compatible blood types are extremely difficult to find. A rare blood type is defined as one that is present in less than 1/1000 people.

“We want to emphasize that the Red Cross adheres to all donor and product requirements as determined by the FDA to ensure the safety of the blood supply and is committed to continuing to provide life-saving blood products for patients across the country.”

The National Library of Medicine said that “across study sites, the average hospital cost per unit transfused was $155 and the average charge per patient was $219.”

However, the Red Cross, which contributes 40% of the country’s blood donations, stated that “no studies” have shown a negative reaction to transfusions of blood products obtained from vaccinated donors.

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A health worker holds a blood sample donated by a recovered COVID-19 coronavirus patient for plasma at a donation camp in Srinagar, India, on July 22, 2020. (Tauseef Mustafa/AFP via Getty Images)

On the contrary, “blood saves and improves the lives of millions of individuals every year.”

Additionally, the organization offers an autologous blood donation service for individuals who want to reserve their blood for themselves, their friends, or their family members.

According to Liz Lambert, strategic communications manager at Vitalant, the nonprofit blood donation collector and provider “does not directly interact with patients, so we cannot offer any insight on how frequently hospital patients may make such requests” for unvaccinated blood.

Lambert informed The Epoch Times that the Food and Drug Administration, which establishes blood safety standards in the United States, “does not require blood product labeling to differentiate between donors who have or have not been vaccinated.”

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization is attempting to obtain authority over global health policy in the face of future pandemics, which involves the widespread use of mRNA vaccines.

Della Pietra believes this is an ominous sign of things to come as supplies of unvaccinated blood become scarce and expensive to obtain.

“It will become rarer,” Della Pietra predicted, adding that she wanted people to have a choice—”the same choice we had 10 years ago.”

One Response

  1. Since only about 20% of donated blood plasma actually ends up going to real people in need in hospitals, how this will all play out is anyone’s guess. The other 80% is sold to private companies in the “plasma fractionation industry’ to be used in the production of drugs.
    – So if you are in the 70% of the population who is on some pharmaceutical drug, you are probably ingesting or injecting components of this shite anyway. The only way to avoid it is to avoid having anything at all to do with the medical police state and its products.

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