A three year old boy was denied heart surgery purely because his parents were unvaccinated. The toddler’s situation raises the moral dilemma of if physicians should refuse unvaccinated patients or, in this situation, unvaccinated parents.

3 Year Old Boy Denied Heart Surgery Because Parents Are Unvaccinated

The story of a 3-year-old kid from Cyprus who was first refused medical treatment at foreign hospitals since his parents remained unvaccinated has sparked debate over if doctors should be permitted to refuse treatment.

He is now in Greece seeking surgery following three nations refusing to treat him.

The youngster, who has not yet been disclosed, was admitted to the hospital with severe cardiac condition. The ministry of health organized for the kid to be flown to Germany by air ambulance last Thursday since Cypriot hospitals were incapable to execute the required treatment.

The day prior to the exchange was to occur, however, the hospital in Frankfurt notified the Cypriot officials that it would not actually happen since the boy’s guardians had not received the COVID-19 vaccination.

Cyprus proposed that the youngster be escorted by a legal guardian rather than his parents, but this proposal was rejected.

According to a German health ministry spokesperson, there’s really no law prohibiting hospitals from treating unvaccinated persons, much less children whose parents are unvaccinated. Nevertheless, every hospital has its own constraints and creates its very own accords with patients, according to the official.

“Health policies — including vaccination policies — and their concrete implementation are the responsibility of the member states, not the Commission,” said a spokesperson for the European Commission’s health department.

The Cypriot government attempted to have the procedure performed by specialised health centres in the United Kingdom and Israel, but were denied down immediately for the identical reason as Germany.

According to Christina Yiannaki, director general of the Cypriot health ministry, the kid was flown to neighbouring Greece on Saturday and will undergo surgery at a private facility in Athens.

The guardians had both been vaccinated on Thursday, but they’ll still have to spend six weeks for international hospitals to admit them, and the infant would need to be operated on right away.

“I know that unvaccinated patients are admitted to hospitals in Germany,” said the boy’s father, Alexey Matveev, a Russian national living in Cyprus. “I didn’t know that I had to be vaccinated for my child being to be operated on in that hospital. If I knew it of course I would have done it … I am healthy and did not want to be vaccinated. I find it inappropriate for someone who is healthy to be vaccinated.”

Yiannaki stated that the parents had been told of the requirement of immunisation long in advance.

Officials in Cyprus claim they offered the couple the single-dose J&J vaccination to accelerate the procedure, but they declined. Matveev refuted this assertion, claiming that the Pfizer vaccination was given to them on the instruction of a German medical institute.

As said by Avraam Elia, head of the pediatrics clinic at Makarios hospital, where the boy was treated, the kid had yet another procedure in the summer, but just a PCR test was necessary for the guardians to accompany him. The parents were told by Cypriot officials that the laws could vary and that immunization might be compulsory.

The toddler’s situation raises the moral dilemma of if physicians should refuse unvaccinated patients or, in this situation, unvaccinated parents.

According to his father, a hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, declined a 31-year-old client for a heart transplant, at least to some extent because he was not inoculated against coronavirus.

DJ Ferguson was taken off the transplant list at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, which said in a comment to the BBC that due to a lack of accessible organs, they had to do anything they can “to ensure that a patient who receives a transplanted organ has the greatest chance of survival.”

6 Responses

  1. Here again. Nazis killing innocent children. Who do you believe? The parent or the Nazi dictator? Now the parents will either die or be forever disabled from the kill shot. And then who will love and take care of this innocent child? Do not go to Hospital! They are killing camps.

  2. File an attempted murder case with the local police. Because it is attempted child murder. It is also attempted murder of the parents who may be at risk of VAERS. This is what got England to stop the mandates. The police must investigate.

  3. What does his parents getting vaxxed or not have to do with a 3 year old needing heart surgery?
    So, because he’s too young to get the death juice, might as well give this poison to his parents? Makes no sense.
    And what happens if they become disabled or worse, die from this poison? The boy will be well but he’ll have a lot of problems when he’s old enough to understand what those communists did to his parents.
    This is beyond unfair.
    Last week, my sister’s Father-in-law died in the hospital. A few days later, my uncle died in the hospital.
    Both had been given the ‘vaccine’. The Father-in-law died of heart trouble. My uncle already had kidney problems. He died of renal failure.
    This 💉 causes blood clots, kidney problems and so much more.
    They both had more than 1 cormorbidity. They had around 3 other illnesses.
    But, even their families, who had gotten this junk and are healthy, are still having trouble shaking off respiratory problems.
    How many more people have to die? How many more healthy people, especially young, healthy kids, have to die before they wake up?
    Even Dr. Malone, the inventor of this ‘vaccine’ and twice jabbed, is now saying that this vax has graphene oxide and that no one should take it or the ones who got a shot or 2 should stop.
    These doctors are also saying it’s a bioweapon meant to kill a large chunk of the population.
    I think it was Bill Gates that said for the balance of humanity, the population should be 500 million.
    Well, thanks to their death juice, they’re off to a promising start.
    I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’m pro-choice.

  4. Forced vaccination is pharmacological rape. It is also attempted murder! Shame on the medical workers that go along with this atrocity.

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