A 19 year old healthy student in India has died of brain haemorrhage after getting the COVID-19 vaccine shot. While the family of the victim says she died due to the side-effects of the vaccine, the medical fraternity is baffled by the incident.

brain haemorrhage vaccine

The untimely death of an apparently fit 19-year-old graduation student from brain haemorrhage in Kerala’s Thiruvalla town on Thursday has baffled her kin as well as the medical fraternity.

Nova Sabu, 19, daughter of Sabu C Thomas died in a private hospital on Thursday morning, reported Manorama, Kerala’s daily newspaper.

Her family members alleged that she died due to the side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Nova had received the first dose of the Covid vaccine during a visit to a private medical college hospital in Kochi on July 28. She had then visited the hospital to get braces for her teeth, her relatives said.

She felt feverish on her return and experienced uneasiness after two days. She was admitted to a private hospital in Kozhencherry for further evaluation.

However, the uneasiness continued after being discharged. The prescribed medicines did not help either.

Nova was admitted to a hospital in Thiruvalla when the situation worsened on August 7. On identifying a case of brain haemorrhage, she was moved to a ventilator.

Nova was a graduation student at the Amrita College in Kochi. Her mother Jean teaches at St Mary’s School, Ranni.

“An investigation has been initiated and the medical report ascertaining the cause of death is yet to be submitted,” District Medical Officer AL Sheeja informed.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, according to Intermountain Healthcare doctors women who were recently vaccinated for COVID-19 may show symptoms of Breast Cancer as a side-effect of the vaccine.

Meanwhile, results of a study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practuce found that there is enough literature available to determine that COVID-19 vaccines increases the risk of more severe diseases and that recipients should be made aware of all the risks before being vaccinated.

The scientists concluded that vaccines may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and that the risks are kept secret in clinical trial protocols and consent forms.

At the sametime about two-thirds of the general population have COVID-19 antibodies and 67.6% of India’s population were exposed to the disease, the fourth serosurvey conducted by ICMR during the June-July 2021 period found.

Nobel Prize winner French Virologist Prof. Luc Montagnier in an interview made a startling claim that the COVID-19 vaccines itself are creating variants. He said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

11 Responses

  1. Sounds like a really stupid medical fraternity if they can’t understand what is obvious by this point

  2. Re: Nova Sabu, 19,
    More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU Warns
    by Tyler Durden
    Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021 – 01:25 PM
    As shares of MRNA-vaccine purveyors Moderna and BioNTech tumbled on Wednesday, Reuters reported that the EMA, the EU’s medicines regulator, is looking into new potential side effects from the still-experimental MRNA jabs, including suspicious skin reactions and kidney ailments.
    According to Reuters, three new conditions have been reported by a small number of people after vaccination with jabs from Pfizer and Moderna. The ailments include Erythema multiforme, a form of allergic skin reaction; glomerulonephritis, or kidney inflammation; and nephrotic syndrome, a renal disorder that leads to heavy urinary protein losses. All of the cases are being studied by the EMA to determine whether the vaccines might be linked to the conditions.
    This isn’t the first time regulators have raised issues with an MRNA vaccine. As we reported a few months ago, the FDA determined that one side effect of the jabs in a small number of male patients with certain complications included heart inflammation. Still, the FDA, CDC and WHO have insisted that the risks posed by the jabs are far outweighed by their benefits to society.
    The finding comes as Israeli health authorities have found that a small number of patients still managed to get infected with the virus even after their third dose of the vaccine.
    Neither Pfizer nor Moderna responded to Reuters’ request for comment.
    Just over 43.5MM doses of Moderna’s vaccine, Spikevax, have been administered in the European Economic Area as of July 29, compared to more than 330MM doses of the Pfizer shot, Comirnaty, which was developed in partnership with Germany’s BioNTech.
    Details about the new side effects were pretty sparse, with the EMA saying only that it had requested more data from the vaccine’s makers so they could determine any potential relation. So far, the EMA hasn’t made any recommendation regarding the labeling of the vaccines, and whether any new side effects should be noted.
    The agency disclosed the new side effects during a routine update to the safety section of the approved vaccines’ database.
    MRNA jabs rely on new technology that reprograms the immune system to fight off the virus, however critics maintain that long term side effects and safety risks simply aren’t well understood since the jabs were rushed to the finish line.
    Me: Blood clots to the heart and brain are not unusual and there is an element of risk with all vaccines – over at least 50,000 dead world wide from them and over 2 million with severe lifetime illnesses from them – VAERS, The UK Yellow Card System, European Union Database – your son was “just” another victim – and the vaccine makers have blanket immunity from prosecution, so just by having the shot(s) you put yourself at risk, with no comeback on anyone, but yourselves – why I am personally, dead set, against all of them.

  3. These Doctors are not baffled they actually know that these Experimental Gene Therapy inoculations are Bioweapons and eventually kill, some dead in days a lot in weeks and many will be in months mainly from Antibody-dependent Enhancement. Allegedly there are people also receiving Saline solution instead of the toxic jab, possibly so they can keep them alive until the toxic Booster jab. Now the 3rd toxic jab is on the cards, Israel is the first let’s see how many are alive by Christmas.

  4. Two explanations: If doctors are baffled then they are too stupid and should never have been given medical licenses. If they know the connection and are lying about it and are committing malpractice.

  5. Does this kind of news awake vaccine fans,absolutely no.Just think about it,if you went to this family and told them about all the side-effects of vaccine with real proof,do they remain unvaccinated, I think not they will laugh at you because I myself has told many of my relatives and neighbors about vaccines and now all of them are vaccinated with no side effects so now they sometimes call me and ask me to get vaccinated.One of my neighbor a healthy old woman died of heart attack just five days after getting vaccine.These kind of people will only learn until their own hands are burnt.

    And about vaccine drive in kerala is insane,here everyday around 5 lakh peoples are injected because the state government especially the chief minister is dead set on vaccinating everybody,no other state in india is doing this much vaccination per day.And the only state in india where if you want to go to shop,bank or any other place a vaccine passport is necessary.And all slaves are happy with it.

    I think majority of doctors and health care workers are unaware of this vaccine side effects,because in kerala according to official news vaccination of health care workers is 100%.If those brain washed angles in white coat are aware of this will they go and get this shot so happily.Two days ago one of the health care angel contacted me and asked,everyone is getting vaccinated,have you no plan of getting the jab.I asked her, do you know how many people in this world died of covid vaccine,her answer was very simple,We Don’t want to know it how many died how many injured etc etc,our job is to vaccinate as much as possible.

  6. Thank you for reporting on the ground. Living here in Pushkar, very few wearing masks, maybe a few pilgrims. Even the true believers are having their doubts as the experimental drug is taking its toll on the locals. No restrictions on shopping or moving about at the moment. Hope it stays that way but expect another fall lockdown.

  7. I’m from Kerala also, The literacy and high education in Kerala is a farce and only good to listen to TV and take orders from government. Kerala people have the highest Covishiled Vaccine ratio and I believe 40% of Keralites could die in 3-4 years,

    No ones questions anything here, i had to fight even my parents to keep off them but not sure how long it would last as the CM order is now right at the door step..even after showing evidence that covid is fake and virus does not even exist..they refuse to believe it..Kerala people are the happiest to take the vaccine in the wolrd. NO questions asked

  8. Yep,freepass to Genocide is what pharmamob have.Nasty effects,deaths,vaccidents are HUGELY UNDERREPORTED BY DR.S AND CORONERS.SUCH A COVERUP!!Vaers was not functioning for several days after it was purportedly up and running.This was months ago,so how many cases of jabdeath were misssed?cdc was also documented as deleting +6,000 deathjab deaths.Vaccineimpacts.org,Experimentalvaccines.org,medicalveritas.org,usrighttoknow.org,Vaccineconsequences.org,stopthecrimes.org,Theinformedamerican.org,Patriots4Truth.org,Corporaterapsheet.org. Moderna admitted on its site months ago that their covdjab=Operating System.It is not a vaccine.Other covdcrapshots=deathjabs containing %98Graphene Oxide which is a well-known carcinogen,Not an immunesystem supporter!!
    Mentioned kidney issues are not a surprise to informed people.cdc site,nih site,fda,other sites have documented fairly common occurrence of these problems with other jabs henrymakow.com=who is the killing cabal.coreydiggs.com

  9. I believe they can sue in India, but the corrupt US government gave all vaccine makers total immunity from their crimes.

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