German scientists have found out how the broken parts of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines branded as Covishield in India mutate to trigger blood clots in recipients. Scientists say the vaccine is sent into the cell nucleus instead of surrounding fluid, where parts of it break off and create mutated versions of themselves. The mutated versions then enter the body and trigger the blood clots.

German Scientists Find How Broken Parts Of COVID-19 Vaccines Mutate To Trigger Blood Clots

Two vaccines, one manufactured by Oxford-AstraZeneca branded as Covishield in India and the other by Johnson & Johnson, have been linked to blood clotting disorders, particularly among women under the age of 50.

Earlier, German scientists found the exact 2 step process how the COVID-19 vaccine causes blood clots in recipients. They describe a series of events that has to happen in the body before the vaccines create these large clots.

Now, researchers at Goethe-University of Frankfurt and Ulm University, in Helmholtz, have found the problem which they say lies in the adenovirus vector — a common cold virus used so both vaccines can enter the body.

Scientists believe that in some people, the immune system sees the vaccine as a threat and over-produces antibodies to fight it. These lead to the formation of clumps in the blood, which can become deadly if the clots move towards vital organs and cut off supply.

The complication spooked many countries to suspend or ban these vaccines.

German ministers claimed the jab didn’t work at all old in people and France’s Emmanuel Macron called it ‘quasi-effective’ vaccine.

Dr Rolf Marschalek, a biochemistry professor at Goethe University in Germany, told the Financial Times that blood clots may be caused by the way vaccine enters the body.

Dr Marschalek suggests that the vaccine is delivered to the nucleus of the cell – a blob of DNA in the middle – rather than to the fluid around it that acts as a protein factory.

Bits of coronavirus proteins that get inside the nucleus can break up and the unusual fragments then get expelled out into the bloodstream, where they can trigger clotting in people, Dr Marschalek said.

The first clots to alarm people were ones appearing in veins near the brains of younger adults in a condition called CSVT (cerebral sinus venous thrombosis).

Another shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of even the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively.

The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases in the vaccine recipients.

Meanwhile, Nobel Prize winner French Virologist Prof. Luc Montagnier in an interview has made a startling claim that the COVID-19 vaccines itself are creating variants.

He said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

For extensively exposing the blood clots controversy, GreatGameIndia is being actively targeted by the NATO propaganda arm Atlantic Council which operates the web of fact-checkers.

Read the study by German scientists below:


11 Responses

  1. GreatGameIndiaIndia Editors needs to stop calling these Bioweapon shots as Vaccines not even close at least change to Experimental Gene Therapy most people are now aware of it.

    Remember the projections…only 99 million Americans will be alive by January 2025 …that’s just 3 and 3/4 years from now. It’s time to now steer clear of those who have had these shots so not to be one of those Walking Dead.

  2. Interesting I posted something and it didnt appear…

    SM-102 (heptadecan-9-yl 8-((2-hydroxyethyl) (6-oxo-6-(undecyloxy) hexyl) amino) octanoate) is a proprietary ionizable lipid used to form lipid nanoparticles in the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

    These Frankenstein shots are designed to kill us from the inside out….

    GHW Bush once said ” when we succeed and we will”…..was seriously wrong!
    You will NOT SUCCEED and when you dont you will pay the consequences of all you have do e.
    Choose your side now ….you WILL LOOSE!

  3. The above was a milder version of the first…lol

    I suggest these “intelligent Drs go to the ethics commission instead of the financial times. In america it would be useless since Faucis wife is on the ethics board….that’s how we know it’s all by DESIGN.

  4. SM-102 (heptadecan-9-yl 8-((2-hydroxyethyl) (6-oxo-6-(undecyloxy) hexyl) amino) octanoate) is a proprietary ionizable lipid used to form lipid nanoparticles in the Moderna Covid -19 vaccine

    Safety Data Sheet acc. to OSHA HCS

    2 Hazards identification

    (GHS hazard

    GHS08 Health hazard-  danger or warning systemic health hazards

    Carc. 2 Repr. 2 STOT RE 1
    H351 Suspected of causing cancer.
    H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child.
    H372 Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure.

    GHS07: Harmful

    Acute Tox. 4   -H302 Harmful if swallowed.
    Skin Irrit. 2      -H315 Causes skin irritation.
    Eye Irrit. 2A-   -H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
    Aquatic Acute 3-H402 Harmful to aquatic life.

    Information for doctor:
    Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
    May cause anemia, cough, CNS depression, drowsiness, headache, heart damage, lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), liver damage, narcosis, reproductive effects, teratogenic effects.
    No further relevant information available.
    Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed No further relevant information available

    GHS09 – Environment
    Aquatic Chronic 1 H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

    11 Toxicology  Information

    Primary irritant effect:
     on the skin: Irritant to skin and mucous membranes.
    · on the eye: Irritating effect.
    · Sensitization: No sensitizing effects known.
    Additional toxicological information:
    The product shows the following dangers according to internally approved calculation methods for preparations. 

    12 Ecological Information:

    General notes:
    Water hazard class 3 (Self-assessment): extremely hazardous for water
    Do not allow product to reach ground water, water course or sewage system, even in small quantities. Danger to drinking water if even extremely small quantities leak into the ground.
    Also poisonous for fish and plankton in water bodies.


    Decoding Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine Ingredients

    Lipid Nanoparticle Technology

    If the mRNA is the “message” of the vaccine, the lipid nanoparticle is the “envelope.” Lipid nanoparticles are created in the image of our own cell membranes, allowing them to travel within our bodies and fuse with human cells.

    The lipid wall of the mRNA-1273 vaccine is made up of four different compounds:

    SM-102 — a proprietary phospholipid that makes up the basic structure of the nanoparticle wallDSPC — another commercially available phospholipid that will aid in the nanoparticle wall structureCholesterol — native to all of our cell membranes, cholesterol helps to add fluidity or stiffness to a cell membrane depending on temperature. The addition of cholesterol will aid in the stability of the nanoparticle.PEG-2000 DMG — a lipid fused to polyethylene glycol with aids in the formation of the nanoparticle.


    May cause anemia, cough, CNS depression, drowsiness, headache, heart damage, lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), liver damage, narcosis, reproductive effects, teratogenic effects.

    Carc. 2 Repr. 2 STOT RE 1
    H351 Suspected of causing cancer.
    H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child.
    H372 Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure.

    **** just ONE of these medical failures as a ” vaccine ” should have thrown up a red flag ….but no they [ medical authorities] push the next start up vaccine they invested in….this is a mafia like syndicate that needs to be put behind bars by the Nuremberg code and medical ethics board .

    In america it’s useless since Faucis wife is on the health ethics board … and that’s how we know it’s all by design.

  5. I still dont understand why indian military dont interferes in this genocidal covidfraud,
    not informing themself in free medias about this covid fraud, not doing any uprising
    against their corrupted politicans + government. are they CIA-MI6-MOSSAD- slaves
    like NATO ? or are they infested with freemason slaves of JEW WORLD ORDER ?
    there are no more armed patriots anymore in the world ? ? ?

  6. It’s all part of the plan, Trump and Modi have all planned it before hand.
    Everything will come out soon

  7. Its VERY important to understand EPSTEIN GUILTY Trump’s ROLE in this so you dont make the SAME MISTAKES or support him as he MAKES MORE! CASES NOT DEATHS! EVENT 201 proves this was all a PLANNED FARCE! Understand that Epstein GUILTY Trumpy is a deep state FAKE like all others before him and gave Gates GAVI group a BILLION to FORCE a DNA ALTERING NOT-a-vaccine on YOU using the MILITARY in a ‘powerful way’ Gates controlled and funded Fauci AND Birx and they ALL should be EXECUTED. Trump PARTIED WITH Clintons, Gates and EPSTEIN and AS A DEMOCRAT!

  8. “Dr Marschalek suggests that the vaccine is delivered to the nucleus of the cell – a blob of DNA in the middle – rather than to the fluid around it that acts as a protein factory.

    Bits of coronavirus proteins that get inside the nucleus can break up and the unusual fragments then get expelled out into the bloodstream, where they can trigger clotting in people,”

    To whoever wrote this: The NOT VACCINE but EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENT or KILL-SHOT is delivered to the arm muscle and enters the circulatory system. Then the spike proteins attach themselves to the cell receptors along the blood vessels if they match. Then somehow mRNA mingles with cells protein production and perhaps with the nucleus. So the cells start producing more spike proteins (with more mRNA or not). If the immune system attacks them then you have the perfect bio-weapon, the body kills itself. That’s my understanding.

  9. Odd that a long swab up the nose to test for a Coronavirus, is later treated with vaccines in the body for Covid with ARR Efficiency rates of 1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1·2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·2% for the J&J, 0·93% for the Gamaleya, and 0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines according to The Lancet and Doctors For Covid Ethics and booster shots now lasting for just 2 months, with Covid being at least 98% efficient in killing you?
    Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table or sea salt in a mug of warm water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don’t have any soreness at all, when you flush – job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia there too.
    Gargling, using saline solution or tablets is a waste of time, because they deal with Covid in the body and not the virus in the head, where it is at its most vulnerable – how silly such an easy thing to destroy, is left to become the bio-weapon which kills you.
    I have been doing this for over 27 years and not one person has died from this simple cure, or been injured from it from those I have been able to pass it on too, myself included – 100% Effective!!.
    The Iodine in the salt kills Coronavirus or the Flu, in the nasal passages of the head and flushes out the escutcheon tubes to the ears, the brain stem and the brain bulb, so no long Covid either – dead Coronavirus = no Covid in the body ever and the salt water provides a protection over the surfaces where Coronavirus and the Flu like to breed – pour a bit of solution on a flat surface and see how it dries – what viruses hate, because it murders them, kills them dead.
    Irrespective of if you have been vaccinated or not, do my simple, free cure and avoid further booster shots if you can – or better yet, don’t get vaccinated at all – the vaccines kill, one way or another and horribly too, sooner or later and then we get around to those Nanobots and other things in the vaccines (shudder).

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