According to Bloomberg News, 45-year-old Bryan Johnson revealed that he spends $2 million per year on a routine overseen by 30 doctors and regenerative health specialists to regain his youth.

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A middle-aged software developer with a nine-figure income claims he invests roughly $2 million annually on bio-hacking his body to get younger.

Bryan Johnson, 45, is promoting a daily routine that he claims has given him the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old, and the lung capacity and fitness of an 18-year-old. Johnson made his fortune in his 30s when he sold his payment processing company Braintree Payment Solutions to eBay for $800 million in cash.

Johnson, who recently received criticism online for his extreme routine, revealed to Bloomberg News that his program is overseen by 30 doctors and regenerative health specialists.

His end goal, according to Johnson, is to have every significant organ—including his brain, liver, kidneys, teeth, skin, hair, penis, and rectum—function as they did in his late teens.

The Project Blueprint initiative calls for Johnson to follow a strict vegan diet of 1,977 calories per day, a daily workout routine lasting an hour, high-intensity activity three times per week, and going to bed at the same time every night.

Johnson told the newspaper, “What I do may sound extreme, but I’m trying to prove that self-harm and decay are not inevitable.”

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Johnson made his fortune more than a decade ago after he sold Braintree, a payments processing firm, to EBay for $800 million in cash.
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Johnson seen in 2017, before he began his strict health regimen.

Johnson gets up at 5 a.m. every morning, takes two dozen supplements, exercises for an hour, drinks green juice packed with collagen peptides and creatine, brushes and flosses his teeth, and uses tea-tree oil and antioxidant gel to rinse.

Johnson uses glasses that filter blue light for two hours before night. In order to preserve his results, he also continuously analyses his vital signs and regularly has blood tests, MRIs, colonoscopies, and ultrasounds done.

Johnson is connected to a device while sleeping that keeps track of his nighttime erections. He also measures his weight, body mass index, body fat, blood glucose levels, and variations in heart rate every day.

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Johnson said he was borderline suicidal and overweight while working long hours.
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Johnson is the CEO of Kernel, which manufactures a $50,000 helmet that tracks brain signals.
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Johnson routinely monitors his blood glucose levels as well as other biomarkers.

“I treat athletes and Hollywood celebrities, and no one is pushing the envelope as much as Bryan,” Jeff Toll, an internist who is part of Johnson’s team, told Bloomberg News.

Before selling Braintree to eBay, Johnson claimed that a catastrophic decline in his physical and mental health sparked his curiosity in seeking eternal youth.

Johnson told Bloomberg News that he had become overweight, miserable, and on the verge of committing suicide as a result of mounting stress and long hours at work.

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A human being may cut the medical age of each of their organs by 25%, according to Oliver Zolman, a 29-year-old doctor who is leading the medical team Johnson hired.

There is no person in the world who is 45 chronologically but 35 in every organ,” Zolman told Bloomberg News.

“If we can eventually prove clinically and statistically that Bryan has made that change, then it will be such a large effect size that it will have to be causative of the intervention and beyond what’s genetically possible.”

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Johnson employs a team of 30 doctors and regenerative health experts.
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Johnson wants to reset his body so his organs function as if he were 18 years of age.
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Johnson’s routine also consists of adhering to a strict vegan diet.

Johnson founded Kernel, a firm that makes helmets for monitoring brain impulses and the effects of meditation and medication on chronic pain that cost $50,000 each.

Billionaires from Silicon Valley, like Peter Thiel and Jeff Bezos, have recently made large investments in firms that are attempting to develop technologies that will allow people to live well into their hundreds.

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