California has passed a bill to punish doctors for false’ Covid-19 information. The rule was contested in court by two California physicians, who claimed that it would constrain their freedom of speech.
On January 1st, a bill that enables the state of California to penalize doctors for providing ‘false information about Covid-19 vaccinations and treatments’ was put into effect.
The state’s Medical Board would classify distributing information, including the efficacy of Ivermectin or the Covid-19 vaccine’s fast declining efficiency, as unprofessional conduct under the new legislation (AB 2098), which went into effect on January 1.
The rule was contested in court by two California physicians, who claimed that it would constrain their freedom of speech in infringement of the first amendment and that it was “vague” underneath the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause.
On December 28th, however, Biden Nominee Judge Fred Slaughter refused to stay (read below) the legislation, stating that it outweighs free speech grounds and falls “within the longstanding tradition of regulations on the practice of medical treatments.”
In early December, Physicians for Informed Consent launched another suit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. The plaintiffs, physician LeTrinh Hoang and Children’s Health Defense, are represented by Rick Jaffe, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Mary Holland, and claim that the state of California has weaponized the ambiguous term “misinformation,” unlawfully targeting doctors who disagree with the government’s hardline stance on Covid-19.
Previously, GGI had reported that California was set to adopt a medical misinformation bill targeting alternative COVID-19 treatment. When AB 2098 passes, it will create a precedent that California will be the testing ground for new legislation.
Read the document below:
Will there now be an exodus of Drs. from the California state ?
Appalling and criminal – disgusting.
Doctors should leave CA en masse.
I personally now think they will throw de Santis down as well and not just Trump. I don’t believe de Santis will even be governor in a year. I am sure that now Trump will find war crimes in addition to pedophilia of de Santis.
Within a year, Florida will have a Democrat for governor. And in two years, we’ll be looking at a new term for Joe Biden. 2:0 for Biden.
It is more than obvious that de Santis will now be fired out of the governorship because of Trump. Then they will elect a Democrat for governor of Florida. Presidential election 2:0 Biden : Trump.
The teacher must not flirt with the students. For this he will fired from the post of governor. Then Obama will enthrone a Democrat.