The new bill introduced by Democrat Sen. Nancy Skinner wants to make non citizens living in California police officers and doesn’t show a distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.

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Non-citizens will be able to become police officers in the state of California under a new bill (read the pdf below).

According to the bill “Existing law, with certain exceptions, prohibits a person who is not a citizen of the United States from being appointed as a member of the California Highway Patrol. This bill would remove that prohibition, and would make conforming changes.”

SB 960, introduced by Democrat Sen. Nancy Skinner, would repeal the requirement that a person be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States to work as a police officer. There is no distinction made in the bill between legal and illegal immigration.

The bill was previously passed with four yeses and one no at the end of March. Senators Steven Bradford, Sydney Kamlager, and Scott Wiener, all Democrats, as well as Skinner, voted in favour of the bill. Republican Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh voted no.

According to a source familiar with the bill, only legal immigrants are allowed to become police officers. However, the bill’s language does not state that illegal immigrants are prohibited from doing so. According to the source, the word “illegal immigrant” was unneeded because other sections of federal law already prohibited illegal immigrants from becoming police officers.

“This bill only allows those who are living here legally and have the legal ability to work here — through a visa, a green card — to become peace officers. I just want to be clear on that,” stated Senator Skinner at a Senate Public Safety Committee meeting on March 22.

On Tuesday, the bill received its second reading, and it is now on its third reading.

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State Sen. Nancy Skinner talks with Sen. Joel Anderson during the Senate session in Sacramento, California, on Aug. 28, 2018.

This comes after the Biden administration announced that, despite migrant influx concerns, the Title 42 health policy will be lifted.

“After considering current public health conditions and an increased availability of tools to fight COVID-19 (such as highly effective vaccines and therapeutics), the CDC Director has determined that an Order suspending the right to introduce migrants into the United States is no longer necessary,” the Centers for Disease Control said in a statement.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Title 42 was implemented in March 2020 by the Trump administration as a means of expelling illegal immigrants.

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President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the debt ceiling at the White House on Oct. 4, 2021.

Despite Democratic support for repealing Title 42, both moderate Democrats and Republicans have expressed concern about the potential immigration influx. Stephen Miller, a former Trump White House adviser, predicted that it would “open the floodgates on a biblical scale.”

Read the Bill given below:


2 Responses

  1. The concept is simple: We are being replaced by people who are driven by money instead of principals and laws. The very laws they are being asked to enforce upon us.

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