Shocking statistics regarding Canada’s Omicron hospitalizations being incorrect has come to light recently. The Premier of Alberta has claimed a staggering 60% disparity between the actual figures.

60% Of Omicron Hospitalization Numbers Were Incorrect Admits Canada’s Chief Medical Officer

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and Alberta Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw both confirmed that public figures for ICU capacity and COVID admissions were up to 60% incorrect.

Kenney disclosed in a Facebook live video webcast on Tuesday that a considerable percentage of COVID-labeled admissions in Alberta hospitals were incidental cases, meaning they were hospitalized for some other cause but came back positive by regular screening and were not sick with COVID.

Kenney noted that a differentiation would have to be established amongst persons who “had been admitted to hospital where the primary diagnosis and sickness of concern is COVID-19, versus… people who had been admitted for other maladies,” and were later discovered via periodic inspection.

“Of the 163 omicron patients in hospital, 66 have a primary COVID diagnosis … and of the 14 omicron patients in ICU, 11 have a primary COVID diagnosis,” he stated.

As per Kenney, this indicates that 60% of individuals labelled as staying in the hospital for an omicron ailment weren’t there because they arrived sick with COVID, and also that the ICU statistics reflect the same rationale, with more than 20% of recorded stays being unintentional.

This is consistent with developments found throughout Canada, as provincial medical authorities have shifted their focus and begun to release increasingly specific data on hospitalizations.

Following a similar acknowledgment by Ontario politicians and health officials, the province’s real rate of COVID-specific hospitalizations dropped by nearly 50% as a result of the recognition of accidental occurrences.

Not only did Alberta’s Premier acknowledge to misrepresenting COVID numbers, but Alberta Chief Health Officer Deena Hinshaw admitted that during the COVID emergency, Alberta Health Services (AHS) distributed statistics to the public that mislabeled non-ICU patients as ICU patients.

“As we have been doing continual quality assurance work with our data, it was identified over time some units in some hospitals have shifted back and forth between being available for use as an ICU unit or a non-ICU unit,” Hinshaw said at a press conference on Monday, according to the Counter Signal.

“In some of our historical data, patients admitted for COVID treatment were categorized as being in ICU when the unit they were on, in fact, had been changed back to a non-ICU unit at that time,” she continued.

In principle, patients were put in a hospital unit that had previously been but was no longer an ICU ward. The erroneous ICU figures were important in establishing the province’s lockdowns.

6 Responses

  1. Please correct the title of this article. It gives the impression that Mr. Kenney, and Ms. Henshaw, speak for ALL of Canada. The name of Canada’s “Chief Medical Officer” is Teresa Tam. I LOVE GreatGame India, and always post your articles on multiple platforms. But, I cannot do so with this article, as “the sheeple” will immediately jump on it as “misinformation”.

  2. The question still remains: should we compel these morons to mental institutions for the rest of their lives or hang them as murderous criminals? Oops, I forgot! We did away with Capital Punishment under Trudeau the 1st so we would not be able to hang Trudeau the 2nd. Did you hear his most recent mealy mouthed abstract on truth: Damn the Constitution, this is for your own good! Of course, I paraphrase.

  3. If you go read Trump’s E.O. of the last year you will find that those who have done wickedly against their own people will face military tribunals no matter where they live…crimes against humanity, being involved in election fraud etc. Go look them up…138___

  4. Turdo is Satan’s Turd. I don’t want to get my hands filthy with demonic shit. Just Ceausescu the punk

  5. We would have to lobby any MP with integrity to reinstate the death penalty specifically for politicians. That is going to be a hard sell.

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