Since the beginning of the declared pandemic GreatGameIndia has been following a critical thread of investigation into the origin of COVID-19. The key to this entire issue is what happened in Canada’s Winnipeg National Microbiology Laboratory.

What Happened In Canada’s Winnipeg Microbiology Lab?

Recently, controversial British scientist Peter Daszak was fired from United Nations COVID-19 commission looking at the origins of the pandemic.

Daszak not only funded the gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab but also orchestrated the Lancet paper which denounced that COVID-19 was man-made, all the while being at the investigation team.

American lawmakers have also introduced the Fire Fauci Act with the intention to fire Dr Anthony Fauci for misinformation with regards to COVID-19 and for covering-up the origin of the virus.

The Fire Fauci Act will bring Fauci’s salary to $0 and require Senate confirmation to fill his position.

Even, Google and USAID funded research conducted by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – a controversial group which has openly collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on “killer” bat coronavirus research – for over a decade.

However, the key to this entire issue is what happened in Canada’s Winnipeg National Microbiology Laboratory.

After over a year, Canadian authorities have released censored documents on deadly viruses stolen from Winnipeg to the Wuhan lab.

GreatGameIndia was the first to report the Chinese espionage story in Jan 2020, for which we are being actively targeted by the NATO’s war propaganda arm – the Atlantic Council.

There is now enough public attention on the issue and Canadians have started demanding answers from the government.

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In March this year, GreatGameIndia reported how the Canadian parliament erupted over a heated debate regarding the cover-up of Chinese spies stealing coronavirus from the Winnipeg based BSL-4 lab to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. 

The president of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) had been given until the end of the week to explain why two Canadian government scientists were let go 18 months after being escorted from Canada’s only Level 4 laboratory and hand over the unredacted documents.

Dr. Xiangguo Qiu is a Chinese biological warfare agent who was caught smuggling lethal viruses from Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China.

What is still missing from the debate is Canadian scientist Frank Plummer who headed the NML and ended up dead a week after GreatGameIndia‘s report on the RCMP investigation was published.

Plummer is associated with another key individual to our investigation – the Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier.

Known as the creator of the world’s deadliest virus, Fouchier isolated the SARS Coronavirus and smuggled it out of Saudi Arabia, which was then sent to Frank Plummer.

These secret Chinese experiments were exposed by the Italians in 2015. Five years ago, Italian state owned media Company, Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana, exposed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus.

According to a shocking new report China created a cookbook of covert Genetic Bioweapons engineered to target races based on specific DNA before COVID-19 officially began.

According to a shocking new report China created a cookbook of covert Genetic Bioweapons engineered to target races based on specific DNA before COVID-19 officially began.

The cookbook calls for gestation of a new generation of biological weapons with research into genetic differences and susceptibility to pathogens among different populations and species leading to the creation of racial bioweapons based on genetic differences between races.

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