Brian Shilhavy, a researcher, compared VARES reports of cancer following COVID vaccine injections over the previous 20 months with the same query of all vaccines licensed by the FDA over the preceding 30 years. The results from the government database reveals a 10,000% increase in cancer reports due to COVID vaccines.

Government Database Reveals 10,000 Percent Increase In Cancer Reports Due To COVID Vaccines

A study of the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) found a 10,661.4% spike in cancer diagnoses as a consequence of experimental COVID-19 gene-base vaccinations compared to all FDA-approved vaccines over the past 30 years.

The editor of Health Impact News, Brian Shilhavy, recounted his steps in the search, including links to documentation of his numerous results.

Having first queried the cases of “the most common cancers [that] had been reported following COVID-19 vaccines,” he found “837 cases of cancer, including 88 deaths, 66 permanent disabilities, and 104 life threatening events (Source).”

He stressed that such figures were not exhaustive, and that the VAERS database could not handle a more comprehensive search of “ALL cancers listed in VAERS” underneath this group of COVID immunisations.

“Using the exact same search terms for cancer,” he wrote, “I then searched ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years and found only 140 cases of cancer reported (Source).”

“That result is for 360 months (30 years), whereas the 837 cases following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines were reported in just 20 months, since the roll out of the COVID-19 shots beginning in December of 2020,” Shilhavy wrote.

“That is an increase of 10,661.4%!” he concluded.

Shilhavy, whose firm is based in Texas, also noted how many of the cases of cancer in the database were children and adolescents, ranging in age from 12 to numerous young adults in their 20s.

The COVID-19 disease as well as its experimental vaccines are connected with a spike protein that reaches the nucleus of cells and dramatically interferes with DNA damage-repair capabilities. This compromises a person’s adaptive immunity and may even promote the growth of cancer cells.

Board-certified pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole noted a significant “uptick” in autoimmune disorders and cancers in patients who had received the COVID vaccine in March 2021.

“Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” he said.

According to Cole, in terms of comprehensive adaptive immunity, “post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells,” that “keep all other viruses in check,” making the patient vulnerable to a number of diseases.

Data breaches made public in January by three “decorated high-ranking soldiers who are doctors and public health officials” revealed massive increases in dozens of ailments after the COVID vaccination was used in the U.S. military.

These comprised:

A total of 1,357,937 adverse events, including 29,790 fatalities and 247,686 serious injuries between December 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022, were recorded in the United States after shots of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccinations, according to VAERS statistics from the CDC published on July 29.

These also include 14,374 recorded instances of shingles, 50,739 myocarditis/pericarditis cases, and 55,719 lifelong impairments.

It is crucial to keep in mind that these numbers are most likely just “the tip of the iceberg” in terms of actual data because they are dependent on voluntary reporting.

Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported to VAERS, according to a 2010 Harvard study (read below) that was carried out on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In a separate, private study, vaccine manufacturer Connaught Laboratories estimated that there is at least a “fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events.”

Read the study below:


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