Cardiac arrests among the young increased by over 25% in Israel after COVID vaccine rollout as per a study. The analysis also found a substantial association between the Pfizer vaccine deployment and a considerable rise in cardiovascular adverse events.

Cardiac Arrests Among The Young Increase By Over 25% In Israel After COVID Vaccine Rollout: Study 1

A study of Israeli data released on April 28 by Scientific Reports and Nature magazine found a substantial association between a more than 25% increase in heart-related emergency calls for those aged 16 to 39 and the country’s COVID-19 experimental immunization campaign.

The peer-reviewed research (read below) was led by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Retsef Levi and postdoctoral fellow Christopher Sun, with assistance from Eli Jaffe of Israel’s ambulance service, Magen David Adom (MADA).

The scientists examined MADA data on emergency calls for this younger age group from 2019 to 2021, “with potential factors including COVID-19 infection and vaccination rates.”

They were able to “study how CA and ACS call counts change over time with different background conditions and potentially highlight factors that are associated with the observed temporal changes” by analyzing emergency call codes for cardiac arrest (CA) or acute coronary syndrome (ACS) from January 2019 to June 2021.

Thus, they were able to perceive these patterns in the roughly 14 months preceding the COVID-19 pandemic (1/2019 – 2/2020), the 10 months of the first two waves of the alleged pandemic (3/2020 – 12/2020), and the timeframe of a purported third wave in conjunction with the experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccine campaign in Israel (1/2021 – 6/2021), which used almost entirely Pfizer injections.

The researchers discovered a statistically substantial rise of 25.7 percent for CA and 26 percent for ACS in this younger age group from January to May 2021 when compared to the same time in 2020.

Furthermore, the investigators found that “weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates.”

Cardiac Arrests Among The Young Increase By Over 25% In Israel After COVID Vaccine Rollout: Study 2
Weekly counts of cardiac arrest calls (five-week centered moving-average), COVID-19 cases (three-week centered moving-average), and vaccination doses (three-week centered moving-average) for those between 16 and 39 during the third COVID-19 wave and vaccination distribution period (October 18th, 2020, to June 20th, 2021).

There was also a significant difference in the rate of rise across genders, indicating that girls may be more likely than males to experience these occurrences when using the Pfizer injections. While CA incidences increased by 25.0 percent for men, they increased by 31.4 percent for women. The same pattern held true for ACS growth rates, which were 21.3 percent for males and 40.8 percent for females.

However, as reported by America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), these increasing cardiovascular emergency incidences have been documented not only in Israel, but in a number of other countries and locations as well:

The number of cardiovascular cases among 15 to 44-year-olds in Scotland increased by 118 percent. During the vaccine introduction in Germany, there was a considerable increase in hospitalizations for cardiovascular events. Many weeks witnessed 50% more admissions than in previous years. The ambulance service in England recorded a 30% increase in cardiac calls, while Queensland, Australia experienced a 40% increase.

The Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) continuously blocked the study, declining to disclose useful data and commenting on the conclusions before the study was published, according to AFLDS. After publication, they attacked it with a “flimsy refutation and brush-off,” deploying a variety of flawed arguments.

Following MOH’s public complaints, Levi offered them to join him for an online conversation, but they declined.

While the analysis found a substantial association between the Pfizer vaccine deployment and a considerable rise in cardiovascular adverse events, the authors concluded that it did not prove a causal connection between these factors.

Nonetheless, the researchers concluded that their “findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals.”

Future COVID-19 experimental vaccination outcomes research should “incorporate EMS and other health data to identify public health trends and promptly investigate potential underlying causes.”

Read the study below:


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