Crimea Bridge Destroyed In Explosion

The Crimean bridge has been destroyed in an explosion. The essential infrastructure, according to the Russian Anti-Terrorism Committee, was damaged by a truck explosion.

Mysterious Assassinations Of Russian Executives

There have been quite a few mysterious assassinations of Russian executives as of late. Despite none of the top executives having officially condemned Russia’s current war in Ukraine, some believe they were killed because they opposed it.

China Has Been Embedding Scientists At Los Alamos For Decades

China Has Been Embedding Scientists At Los Alamos For Decades

The Chinese strategy is to “capture” eminent US organizations and people, including lawmakers, top universities, sizable pension funds, social media, and Hollywood. Towards this end, China has been embedding scientists at Los Alamos for decades.

The CIA Is Not Your Friend

The CIA Is Not Your Friend

It hasn’t been a month since President Biden mounted the steps of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, declaring it his duty to ensure each of us understands the central faction of his political opposition are extremists that “threaten the very foundations of our Republic.” Flanked by the uniformed icons of his military and standing atop a Leni Riefenstahl stage, the leader clenched his fists to illustrate seizing the future from the forces of “fear, division, and darkness.” The words falling from the teleprompter ran rich with the language of violence, a “dagger at the throat” emerging from the “shadow of lies.”