How RAW Got Involved In Mauritius Snooping Scandal

How RAW Got Involved In Mauritius Snooping Scandal

Allegations that Pravind Jugnauth, the prime minister of Mauritius, permitted an Indian tech team to set up equipment to intercept internet data have grown into a political scandal. RAW is right in the middle of all of it. This is how RAW got involved in Mauritius snooping scandal.

A Veteran Explains Why People Aren’t Joining The US Military

A Veteran Explains Why People Aren't Joining The US Military

Why is it that the proportion of people whose parents served decreased by 68%, while the size of the active duty military is roughly the same as it was in 2000? (I select this year since this is about when people who were serving would now have enlistment age children). One plausible answer is that children of veterans of the Global War on Terror are simply not interested in joining the military after seeing what their families and friends have been through, on and off the battlefield. And who can blame them?

China’s Plot To Plant Spies Inside The Fed

An investigation by Republican staff members of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has shown that China is plotting to plant spies inside the Fed.