Chinese military researchers recently called for the destruction of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites, an extraordinary threat for a state to make against a private foreign enterprise.

China Threatens To Destroy Elon Musk's Starlink

In December 2021, China filed a complaint (read below) with the United Nations, claiming that two of Musk’s Starlink satellites had nearly collided with the Tianhe module of its Tiangong Space Station — in April and October of 2021– and that Chinese astronauts had been forced to maneuver the module of the station to avoid the collision. Starlink is part of Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the satellites are part of a plan to make internet coverage from the satellites available worldwide, with the goal of launching nearly 12,000 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit.

Space is becoming crowded and risks of collision — whether with satellites or space debris — are not new. Tellingly, China was among the first to help create much of that debris: In January 2007, China tested its first successful anti-satellite missile (ASAT), destroying one of its own inactive weather satellites and creating one of the world’s largest space debris incidents. That space debris is still floating around in space, causing collision risks every day.

The United States rejected China’s claims that the Starlink satellites had endangered China’s space station. The US stated that if there had been a “significant probability of collision” with China’s space station, the U.S. would have given notice to China ahead of time. “Because the activities did not meet the threshold of established emergency collision criteria, emergency notifications were not warranted in either case.”

China is now taking things a step further: Chinese military researchers are threatening that Musk’s Starlink satellites must be destroyed. The problem, however, does not appear so much to be the fear of collision, but rather that China believes that Starlink could be used for military purposes and thereby threaten what China calls its national security.

Five senior scientists in China’s defense industry, led by Ren Yuanzhen, a researcher with the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications — which is under the People Liberation Army’s (PLA’s) Strategic Support Force – recently wrote that “a combination of soft and hard kill methods should be adopted to make some Starlink satellites lose their functions and destroy the constellation’s operating system.”

Soft kill methods target software and operating systems of the satellites, whereas hard kill methods physically destroy the satellites, such as using an ASAT weapon.

According to the scientists, China should “vigorously develop countermeasures” against Starlink, as such capabilities are necessary for China “to maintain and obtain space advantages in the fierce space game.”

Unsurprisingly, China has eagerly copied Elon Musk’s SpaceX to achieve its own space ambitions: China’s Long March 2C rocket, for instance, which China launched in the summer of 2019, had parts that were “virtually identical” to those that are used to steer the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

China is not the only state actor to show an interest in interfering with Musk’s Starlink satellites. Russia too has sought to jam Starlink’s internet service in Ukraine and failed. “Starlink has resisted Russian cyberwar jamming & hacking attempts so far, but they’re ramping up their efforts,” Musk tweeted in May.

Starlink is a problem for Russia because Musk’s satellites have enabled Ukraine to stay connected to the internet – and the rest of the world – amid Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attempts to cut the country off.

Musk began to send Starlink terminals to Ukraine in late February at the request of Ukrainian government officials, as a backup for when Russia would predictably try to cut off internet access. According to one US general, the use of Starlink in Ukraine ruined Putin’s attempts to isolate the country.

“The strategic impact is, it totally destroyed Putin’s information campaign,” said Brig. Gen. Steve Butow, director of the space portfolio at the Defense Innovation Unit. “He never, to this day, has been able to silence Zelenskyy.”

“We’ve got more than 11,000 Starlink stations and they help us in our everyday fight on all the fronts,” Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s vice prime minister, told Politico. “We’re ready, even if there is no light, no fixed internet, through generators using Starlink, to renew any connection in Ukraine.”

China’s threats against Musk’s Starlink is more proof that the country is not ready to let anyone stand in the way of its “fierce space game”, as China put it. General David Thompson, the U.S. Space Force’s first vice chief of space operations, possibly trying to downplay the Chinese’s Communist Party’s threat to the West, described it as merely a “shadow war.”

In this “space war“, China – and Russia to a slightly lesser degree — is conducting attacks against U.S. satellites with lasers, radio frequency jammers, and cyber-attacks every day. While the attacks are “reversible” for now, which means that the damage to the attacked satellites is not permanent, they demonstrate China’s malign intentions.

“The threats are really growing and expanding every single day. And it’s really an evolution of activity that’s been happening for a long time,” Thompson said in November 2021. “We’re really at a point now where there’s a whole host of ways that our space systems can be threatened.”

In addition to its “fierce space game”, China is forging ahead with a number of projects that will significantly accelerate the country’s space capabilities.

China has reportedly sped up its program to launch a solar power plant in space. The purpose of the plant is to transmit electricity to earth by converting solar energy to microwaves or lasers and directing the energy to Earth, according to the South China Morning Post. The first launch of the project is scheduled for 2028 and will be the world’s first such project in space. It is probable that China got the idea from the US; NASA reportedly proposed a similar plan more than two decades ago but never went on to develop it.

China recently launched its third crewed mission to the Tiangong Space Station’s Tianhe module, where three astronauts will work on completing the space station before returning to Earth in December. China only launched the first module of the Tiangong Space Station in April 2021, but expects to have the space station fully crewed and operational by the end of the year, when the space station will have an additional two science lab modules and a robotic cargo ship. The space station will also help China to deploy and operate its new space telescope, Xuntian, meant “to rival NASA’s aging Hubble Space Telescope, with a field of view 300 times larger and a similar resolution. It will make observations in ultraviolet and visible light, running investigations related to dark matter and dark energy, cosmology, galactic evolution, and the detection of nearby objects.” Xuntian is scheduled to launch in 2024.

China’s explicit goal is to become the world’s leading space power by 2045. It is important to keep in mind that China’s space program – even what might look like harmless, civil aspects of space exploration – is heavily militarized. The organization in charge of China’s manned space program, for instance, is the China Manned Space Engineering Office, which is under China’s Central Military Commission Equipment Development Department. Similarly, the People’s Liberation Army runs China’s space launch sites, control centers and many of China’s satellites.

Judith Bergman, a columnist, lawyer and political analyst, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Gatestone Institute. This article was originally published on the Gatestone Institute.

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5 Responses

  1. SEAMLESS Global Communication – – perhaps needed for global messaging from a single source . ………. …. shalom to all

  2. Starlink would provide 5G to the world, there would be no escape from it anywhere. Those who have been vaccinated: This very simply, is a process to change the human race into human/computer controlled robots by mRNA vaccines to start the conversion and weed out those who are genetically imperfect and thus of no further practical use – I would say those in control are computers, because humans probably don’t have that degree of mercilessness – science fiction, it might be, but reality is evident all around you.
    The best evidence, is to use their own scientific texts against them – my specialty.

    Covid and the mRNA vaccines are a scam perpetuated by Moderna & Pfizer – see below and take the time to read the 6 pages post I made referenced to below – you can read Dr Robert O Young’s electron microscope findings – before you do – comments are at the end of his excellent article and concerns:

    Putting It Altogether. (Below) Moderna & Pfizer and others, have made a 19 nucleotide sequence and 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site mRNA (between 2010 and 2016) to modify the human body with a 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site, 99% Graphene Oxide injection, which makes a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain, with a 10 digit call sign, which goes where – human or computer – which is totally illegal medical/scientific research for secret use on humans, as is the Pfizer contract (I have a secret Pfizer copy) and presumably the Moderna contract, that governments knowingly, illegally signed, understanding the ramifications involved, to make electronic/computerised/modified advanced humans, after those not suitable, have been exterminated – I wonder if DARPA is involved with this – Bill Gates – I would say, certainly.

    Which is NOT the mRNA vaccine, that we were told it is, or its purpose, which removes their blanket immunity from prosecution and holds them all accountable in any Court Of Law.

    See Link here:

    do with it whatever you like!!

  3. Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people
    The CDC has been hiding the Social Security Administration death master file. I got it from a whistleblower. This shows deaths are taking 5 months from the jab to happen. This is why it’s hard to see.

    Steve Kirsch

    Sep 1

    Executive Summary
    We’ve always assumed the vaccine kills you quickly (in the first two weeks) because that’s when people notice the association and report it to VAERS. This is still true; it does kill some people quickly.
    However, most of the deaths from the vaccine are happening an average of 5 months from the last dose for the second dose. It may be getting shorter the more shots you get but there are arguments both ways (since there can be survivor bias).
    But this explains why the life insurance companies got off-the-charts all-cause mortality peaks for people under 60 in Q3 and Q4 rather than right after the shots rolled out.
    The five month delay is also consistent with death reports where people are developing new aggressive cancers that are killing them over a 4 to 6 month period.
    So when you hear of a death from stroke, cardiac arrest, heart attack, cancer, and suicide that is happening around 5 months after vaccination, it could very well be a vaccine-related death.
    The data from the Social Security Administration death master file (ages 18 to 55)
    I got this chart from a whistleblower who works for HHS. This is data you are not supposed to see. The mortality increase (60% at peak) is huge. That sort of increase can only be caused by something novel that affected massive numbers of people.
    There is only one possibility that fits that: the COVID vaccine.
    The peak is September 9, 2021.

    This graph, which is not publicly available, is from the US Social Security death master file. It compares deaths from 2021 to deaths in 2020. You simply cannot get such a rise in deaths like that unless something very deadly is affecting massive numbers of people. This explains why insurance companies all over the world were seeing massive death spikes in Q3 and Q4 of 2021. The vaccine was simply taking an average of 5 months from the most recent injection to kill people. The peak here is September 9, 2021.
    Daily vaccine doses administered in the US
    The peak is April 12, 2021.

    The peak is April 12, 2021.
    Occam’s razor
    The most obvious conclusion is that the vaccine takes an average of 5 months to kill people after the second dose.
    The second peak in December 2021 will result in life insurance companies having spikes in Q1 and Q2 of 2022.
    Here’s what UK Professor Norman Fenton said

    Alternate hypotheses
    If someone has a better explanation for this data, I’d love to hear it.
    If any fact checker wants to challenge me on this, you can use the Contact Form and let’s have a recorded conversation.
    The CDC doesn’t want to talk about this. They also won’t tell us why they aren’t showing us this data.
    For sure, the NY Times and rest of the mainstream media will ignore this and won’t ask any questions. Maybe Tucker Carlson will talk about it.
    It was wrong to assume that most of the vaccine-related deaths were happening shortly after vaccination. Some are, but most are not. It’s just that they were easier to notice when there was temporal proximity to the jabs.
    If someone you know died around 5 months after vaccination, you should definitely have a proper autopsy done as described in my earlier interview with Ryan Cole.
    Please share this info.
    Steve Kirsch

  4. “Chinese military researchers recently called for the destruction of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites, an extraordinary threat for a state to make against a private foreign enterprise.”

    A few points:

    1) Anyone that thinks US fedgov is not intertwined all over Starlink is kidding themselves. Starlink’s involvement in Ukraine shows more than ample proof of who, what, when and where.

    2) Why all the aggressive posturing by governments involved in the current “dust up”? If the Chinese were going to take action, they would not be talking about it. They would just do it.

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