According to a shocking new report China created a cookbook of covert Genetic Bioweapons engineered to target races based on specific DNA before COVID-19 officially began.

China's Covert Genetic Bioweapons To Target Races Based On Specific DNA

David Asher, a top investigator who led the US State Department’s investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, an investigation that the Biden administration shut down, said that what China wrote in its declaration to the United Nations “essentially laid out a road map of developments in biotechnology pertinent to the biological weapons convention that the Chinese indicated as particularly salient.”

It wasn’t clear from their declaration whether this was for potential offensive use of synthetic biology and other techniques … but it certainly appears to lay out what they felt were going to be the drivers of a more potent offense in the future decade related to biotechnology,” reported The Australian quoting Asher..

“This is probably the most disturbing thing to note that there could be a type of population-targeting or ethnic targeting using biology, according to the Chinese.

That doesn’t mean they did it in the case of Covid-19 or anything else but it definitely implied that they were fully aware that this is feasible and possible.”

When asked by Australian investigative reporter Sharri Markson about how to interpret what China wrote, Asher said, “They lay out the cookbook and they say ‘What’s the impact of the cookbook?’”

“They say (it’s the) increased threat of biological weapons using advanced technology,” he said. “They talk about increased difficulty complying with the convention.”

China made the statements in a submission several years ago to the Seventh Review Conference of the State Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Biological and Toxin Weapons.

The submission warned that “new kinds of biotechnology” could be used “for hostile purposes, posing a latent threat to human society,” and that the threat was “growing.” The submission said that the new technologies were making it harder to maintain “full and strict compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention.”

The following are some excerpts from China’s submission:

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, China’s national strategy of military-civil fusion has highlighted biology as a priority, and the People’s Liberation Army could be at the forefront of expanding and exploiting this knowledge.

In 2016, the potential strategic value of genetic information led the Chinese government to launch the National Genebank, which intends to become the world’s largest repository of such data. It aims to “develop and utilize China’s valuable genetic resources, safeguard national security in bioinformatics, and enhance China’s capability to seize the strategic commanding heights” in the domain of Biotechnology Warfare.

Chinese military’s interest in biology as an emerging domain of warfare is guided by strategists who talk about potential “genetic weapons” and the possibility of a “bloodless victory.”

15 Responses

  1. Everything we suspected. The vaccine will be used against people. China and their American agents will propagate this worldwide. All these agencies WHO, CDC, FDA etc are all in on reducing population by choosing the race to eliminate. It’s war and everyone is in it.

  2. China, Russia, Europe, the U.S., etc. along with the United Nations all take their orders from the same ruling elite. I’m disappointed by articles like this one that continue to promote the crumbling nation-versus-nation narrative. I expect this sort of thing from mainstream media, and apparently GGI is no different. Despite all the deceptive reporting, people are waking up to that timeworn system of control.

  3. in all centuries wars changed their form . today wars are no more declared beforehand . we are with american CHEMTRAILING
    since ca 25 years in war with USA without declaration from US side . USA DEEP STATE started all this insidiousnesses with covid.
    as the bible already said : THE MANS HEART IS EVIL FROM THE BEFINNING i would not be sad or impressed when any nation
    would start a biological racewar . it would be the crown of human evilness and maybe merited . i think about this film 12 monkeys .

  4. Chinese military’s interest in biology as an emerging domain of warfare are you saying thy are catching up with the US that is been doing this SINCE WW2 ?and you forgot to mention the DNA the US is been COLECTING in Russia and China and that China and Russia are
    SURROUNDED by US BIOLABS this is more anti China propaganda to defect that the fact that there is 99% certainty the virus was developed by the US military

  5. this kind of idea reminds me of an quote in the manuscript of “project for the new american century” where they talk about developing weapons that would target certain genotypes

  6. Amazing how the Xi 50-cent crew comes out in force to deflect away from the actual problem here. The CCP. Ask any Indian about this near the China-India border if they trust the CCP.

  7. Amazing how the Cia 50-cent crew comes out in force to deflect away from the actual problem here. The US hegemon that wants to dominate(exploit) the world

  8. You are correct since WWII USA has worked on Bio Weapons at least one known base in Kentucky. After WWII add the German Scientist that USA and Russia got and boom, more data. Papers from WWII noted that Vaccines could be used for bio weapons and DNA issues. And the USA’s Military complex uses China for things that can not be done in USA. After WWII, Japan had been used for many decades.

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