Dr. Malik Peiris, who previously served on the Lancet medical journal’s COVID-19 origins investigation committee, received China’s “Nobel Prize” for research concluding that COVID-19 developed naturally.

China Gives Nobel Prize To Lancet Investigator For Concluding Virus Developed Naturally

Peiris, a Sri Lankan virologist working in Hong Kong, was one of 12 scientists leading the now-defunct Lancet probe into the origins of COVID-19.

While the task force is no longer listed on the medical journal’s website, as it was forced to disband due to extensive conflicts of interests with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, archived web pages reveal Peiris’s participation in the effort.

Following Peiris’s stint on the task force, the Chinese Communist Party awarded him with the prize in life sciences in the 2021 Future Science Prize – dubbed China’s “Nobel Prize.”

China’s top scientific honor is accompanied by a $1 million prize, which is funded by several Chinese Communist Party-linked companies such as BaiduHillhouse Capital, and Sequoia Capital China.

China Gives Nobel Prize To Lancet Investigator For Concluding Virus Developed Naturally

State-run media outlet Global Times claimed the award was for his “major discoveries of SARS-CoV-1 as the causative agent of the global SARS outbreak in 2003 with impact on combating COVID-19 and emerging infectious diseases.” Peiris shared the award with co-author Kwok-Yung Yuen.

In an exclusive interview with the Chinese Communist Party-run media outlet, Yuen asserted “this is one of the most important prizes not just in China but also internationally.”

Peiris’s research was praised by award reviewers as playing an integral role in tracing the origins of COVID-19, as reviewer Wang Xiaodong noted “Chinese scientists were able to quickly identify the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to their contributions.”

The research bolstered the fake narrative that COVID-19 developed naturally as opposed to escaping from a lab.

As Global Times explains, Peiris’s research helped “support the bat origin of SARS-CoV-2”:

“When asked how their discoveries affect people’s understanding of the cause of COVID-19, Yuen explained that since he and his team discovered in 2005 that the horseshoe bat was the natural animal reservoir for the ancestral SARS-CoV-1, they believe that SARS-CoV-2 “also went from bats to another mammal(s) before jumping into humans.”

Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 replicates very well in both bat and human intestinal organs, which further supports the bat origin of SARS-CoV-2, he said.

Earlier, controversial British scientist Peter Daszak was been removed from the COVID-19 commission looking at the origins of the pandemic after helping secretly denounce the lab leak theory while failing to mention his close ties to the same facility.

However, as our readers would remember GreatGameIndia exposed Peter Dazak last year itself.

We revealed how American tax-dollars were used to fund controversial gain-of-function research, which is the ability of a virus to jump from animals to humans.

The project backed-up by Dr. Anthony Fauci diverted US funds to engineer Coronavirus at Wuhan lab via a company now under federal investigation.

That company is EcoHealth Alliance lead by Peter Daszak.

He helped organize a letter published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet that was signed by 27 scientists, including Daszak himself, and denounced the lab leak claim as a ‘conspiracy theory,’ and ‘nonscientific.’

Daszak has since faced conflict of interest claims over his ties to the lab investigators increasingly believe COVID may have leaked from.

Emails which exposed Daszak’s role in suppression of virus origin information were also already revealed by GreatGameIndia last year.

Meanwhile, American lawmakers have introduced the Fire Fauci Act with the intention to fire Dr Anthony Fauci for misinformation with regards to COVID-19 and for covering-up the origin of the virus.

The Fire Fauci Act will bring Fauci’s salary to $0 and require Senate confirmation to fill his position.

Another scientist who signed the letter, Dr Jeremy Farrar – director of the Wellcome Trust in London – declined to comment on the Fauci allegations but said it remains ‘most likely’ the virus came from an animal but ‘there are other possibilities which cannot be completely ruled out and retaining an open mind is critical’. 

Emails also revealed how all of these scientists colluded with Dr Fauci in a cover-up of the COVID-19 bioweapons research also known as Gain-of-function experiments to peddle natural origin theory of the coronavirus.

Batwoman Shi Zhengli

Last year group of Indian scientists discovered that coronavirus was engineered with AIDS like insertions. After GreatGameIndia published the results of the study, it attracted heavy criticism to an extent that the authors were forced to retract their paper.

Now, Fauci Emails reveal that it was Dr Anthony Fauci himself who threatened the Indian scientists and forced them to withdraw their study linking COVID-19 to AIDS virus

4 Responses

  1. I’m reminded of the meme “FREE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WITH AN ORDER OF SHRIMP TACOS”, which appeared after Obama was awarded the “PEACE PRIZE” whilst drone bombing the entire Middle East killing thousands

  2. @squodgy I also thought it was most absurd that Obama was allowed to stink up the Nobel Peace Prize, … but I had never heard the “Free With Shrimp Taco’s” line. ….. that’s a hoot !!! lmao

  3. @squodgy LOL, I have a collection of Funny Sign pics too. Perfect !!
    Saved and emailed instantly. Two things that no one values. Peace Prize and Shrimp Tacos.

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