State-run Global Times reported that China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs has renamed several areas of Arunachal Pradesh, saying they are ‘standardizing some geographical names in southern Tibet’.

As India and China remain entangled in a bitter border standoff over some friction points in eastern Ladakh, Beijing has yet again stoked a controversy by renaming 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh that it claims as South Tibet.

State run Global Times reported that China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs has “standardised the names of 11 places in Zangnan (southern part of Southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region) in Chinese characters”.

“The official names of the 11 places were released by the ministry on Sunday, which also gave precise coordinates, including two residential areas, five mountain peaks, two rivers and two other areas. It also listed the category of places’ names and their subordinate administrative districts,” Global Times reported.

China’s latest move is expected to invite string reactions from New Delhi which has repeatedly claimed that Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India.

Senator Bill Hagerty, along with Senator Jeff Merkley introduced a resolution in the U.S. Senate to recognise the McMahon Line as an international boundary between China and Arunachal Pradesh.

You can read more about this topic here.

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