China is slaughtering pets of Covid-19 patients under draconian new law. As per officials, this is all about preventing virus infection. But, animal lovers in the country do not agree to it and consider it an “inhumane” rule. The idea was slammed by experts as there is lack of any such evidence that supports role of viral transmission by pets.

China Slaughtering Pets Of COVID Patients Under New Law

Chengdu, a Chengdu resident claimed that her pets were moved from home to quarantine and killed while she was in quarantine.

The killers told press that there is lack of treatment options for infected animals and death was the only option left for these pets. If these infected pets are left untreated, they would continue to leave traces of virus.  

One worker told Beijing News: “There is probably no professional medical treatment for animals infected with the novel coronavirus.”

This idea was slammed by experts as there is lack of any such evidence that supports role of viral transmission by pets.

A virology professor, Rachael Tarlinton, at the University of Nottingham, said:

“It doesn’t seem very realistic that the cats would contaminate the environment so badly that they would be a risk for their owner to re-contract COVID.”

She also thinks that surface is not the medium to spread virus. Animal lovers consider this new rule as “overkill” policy.

One person said on Weibo: “I firmly disagree with this approach! To put it bluntly, it’s a crude, simplistic and lazy form of management, just in order to dodge responsibility.”

The pet owner told South China Morning Post: “If I happen to catch COVID-19, what if my cat starves to death or gets killed while I’m in quarantine?

“There’s no medical evidence or legal support for killing these companion animals, it’s extremely inhumane.

“Currently there’s no law protecting companion animals in China, so there’s not much room to fight for our pets, and their deaths can only act as a cautionary tale for owners to be more careful from now on.”

People are against it and they are circulating posts on social media suggesting pet owners videotape killings and call out authorities if it is necessary.

One social media message reads: “Please don’t stop advocating, because if you don’t speak out, maybe it’s your furry babies that will die next.”

Zero-tolerance strategy to Covid-19 of China means local governments contract tracing, use mass testing and impose partial lockdowns to control the viral spread.

The stuff you’ve seen on social media barely scratches the surface. Dr Anthony Fauci has been abusing animals for 40 years.

According to documents obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, Dr Fauci spent $424,000 to commission experiments where dogs were bitten to death by flies.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has also been conducting a series of secret experiments that grafted the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice and rats.

Almost $400,000 have been spent on these experiments. These studies were meant to investigate the tendency of human skin to develop infections.

Dr Fauci also funded Wuhan virus experiments which were prohibited by the US government for being dangerous. Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory where suspicious experiments were conducted.

6 Responses

  1. Join the world at any time Monday, November 22nd, in prayer, meditation, aspiration or silence, in support of freedom.

    Pass it on

  2. Fauci is Victor Rothschilds ” science btoker” he talked about in 2971 report of research and development merger with private clients and government funding.


    In 1971, (Lord) Victor Rothschild, reported to Government on “The Organisation and Management of Government R&D” and how government could become (in his words) a customer for research contracted from the Research Councils and other sources. Rothschild’s thinking implied that management of R&D by “customer” Departments would bring an understanding of research outputs. He proposed the transfer of applied science funds from Research Councils to Government Departments, providing each with a Chief Scientist as proxy customer for research to be commissioned on a “customer/contractor” basis. The Government largely adopted his proposals in 1972 and implemented them in 1974. The Rothschild reforms and the upheavals they brought were controversial at the time, though now in some instances, reversed and otherwise either forgotten or buried in unconscious assumptions. However, the Rothschild framework still underpins important assumptions about Departmental relationships with the science community, which in my view adversely affected the access of Government to expert advice. From the viewpoint of a participant in Government R&D management through this period, I explore the immediate response and the post-1980 history of the Rothschild reforms, discuss the way in which research commissioning became such a heavy task as to impede analysis and advice delivery and consider alternative approaches, such as the “science broker” model. This article is published as part of a collection 

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  5. What happens to the dead pets? Are they incinerated….or taken home to be dinner for the monsters that kill them? More likely the later. There is no excuse to the cruel policy that would tear a beloved pet from it’s family and senselessly slaughter it. The persons that allow this to happen should have their status as a human being revoked and get instead the title of beast. No one with true humanity would do such horrid things.

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