In a major setback to a landmark effort to root out Chinese intelligence-gathering in America, US has dropped all charges against 5 Chinese scientists who had infiltrated universities.

US Drops Charges Against 5 Chinese Scientists Who Infiltrated Universities For Intelligence Gathering

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has dropped charges against five members of the Chinese military whom federal prosecutors previously accused of lying to obtain visas to get jobs and a doctoral spot at United States universities.

Late last week, prosecutors wrote in a court brief that they would be dropping their criminal cases against China military members Juan Tang, Chen Song, Kaikai Zhao, and Guan Lei — all of whom had been accused of fraudulently obtaining visas to secure roles at U.S. universities in California and Indiana.

DOJ officials told the Wall Street Journal that the department dropped the visa fraud charges after a re-review of the cases and justified the move, saying the Chinese nationals had already served months in federal prison while awaiting trial:

A senior Justice Department official said the punishment for the crimes the researchers were charged with usually amounted to around a few months in prison, and the defendants had all been detained or under other restrictions in the U.S. since their arrest a year ago. That led the agency to determine that further litigation in the group of cases would unnecessarily prolong their departure from the U.S. and that their situations since their arrests amounted to sufficient punishment and deterrence.

A Justice Department spokesman said “recent developments” in the cases had prompted the department to re-evaluate the prosecutions. “We have determined that it is now in the interest of justice to dismiss them,” the spokesman, Wyn Hornbuckle, said, adding that the agency “continues to place a very high priority on countering the threat posed to American research security and academic integrity by the PRC government’s agenda and policies.” PRC is an abbreviation for People’s Republic of China.

The five Chinese nationals were arrested in July and August of last year as part of a federal crackdown on China military members fraudulently obtaining visas to the U.S. by hiding their ties to the Chinese military, known formally as the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

In criminal complaints, prosecutors detailed the charges against each Chinese national:

The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program was established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize and recruit leading international experts in scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship – in other words to steal foreign technology.

In 2009, a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have been engineered into a Bioweapon and leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.

The findings of this investigation has been corroborated by none other than the Bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Convention Act followed by many nations.

The report has caused a major international controversy and is suppressed actively by a section of mainstream media. Meanwhile, the reporter who attacked our story has been fired for plagiarism.

Since the beginning of the declared pandemic GreatGameIndia has been following this critical thread of investigation into the origin of COVID-19. The key to this entire issue is what happened in Canada’s Winnipeg National Microbiology Laboratory.

Recently, controversial British scientist Peter Daszak was fired from United Nations COVID-19 commission looking at the origins of the pandemic.

Daszak not only funded the gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab but also orchestrated the Lancet paper which denounced that COVID-19 was man-made, all the while being at the investigation team.

American lawmakers have also introduced the Fire Fauci Act with the intention to fire Dr Anthony Fauci for misinformation with regards to COVID-19 and for covering-up the origin of the virus.

The Fire Fauci Act will bring Fauci’s salary to $0 and require Senate confirmation to fill his position.

Meanwhile, on account of his recent congressional testimony, Dr Fauci maybe facing 5 years in prison for lying to the Congress about funding the Gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab.

One Response

  1. Sooooo, the wheels are turning – – better watch out ye ne’re do wells !?! …… …shalom,a.j.

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