It has been reported that a member of the CIA Chief’s team suffered Havana Syndrome symptoms during their trip to India. Some US officials have interpreted the new Havana-syndrome incident as a direct message to the CIA chief that no one is safe, including the people from his entourage.
An officer who accompanied CIA chief William Burns during his trip to India earlier this month suffered symptoms consistent with Havana syndrome, a mysterious sickness affecting US officials since 2016, CNN reported.
An unnamed CIA officer required medical attention due to his condition, the sources told the broadcaster. Burns reportedly was left “fuming” with anger after being informed about what had happened.
Some US officials have interpreted the new Havana-syndrome incident as a direct message to the CIA chief that no one is safe, including the people from his entourage, two sources told CNN.
When approached by Reuters, a CIA spokesperson replied that the agency doesn’t comment on specific incidents or officers.
“We have protocols in place for when individuals report possible anomalous health incidents that include receiving appropriate medical treatment,” he pointed out.
In August, Vice President Kamala Harris had to slightly delay her visit to Vietnam after multiple US staff in Hanoi reported symptoms consistent with Havana syndrome and two diplomats required evacuation.
The so-far unexplained sickness is characterized by migraines, nausea, memory lapses and dizziness among other things.
More than 200 US officials and family members have been reportedly affected by Havana syndrome in various parts of the globe, including Russia, China, Germany and Australia, as well as inside the US since it was first encountered among American diplomats working in the Cuban capital Havana in 2016.
US agencies have been investigating the phenomenon, but they are yet unable to say with certainty if it’s a result of deliberate attacks or a byproduct of surveillance technology used to spy on American personnel.
The US National Academy of Sciences panel said in a report last year that the most plausible theory could be that Havana syndrome was being caused by “directed, pulsed radio frequency energy.”
In July, Burn insisted that Havana syndrome was “real” and “serious” as he announced another 100-day probe into the sickness, headed by the same senior officer who once led the hunt for Osama bin Laden.
The CIA chief claimed that there was a “very strong possibility” that the syndrome was a result of intentional action, adding that there was only a limited list of “potential suspects” capable of carrying out such activities on a global scale.
Earlier this month, a panel of Cuban scientists, which also investigated the events of 2016, said that there was “no scientific evidence of attacks” against the US diplomats in Havana.
The “non-science-based” explanations of the phenomenon disseminated by the media only confuse the public and “harm US officials, who believe them,” it insisted.
Speaking at a press conference in Havana, a panel of scientists convened by the Cuban government declared that claims of secret sonic weaponry were not “scientifically acceptable,” and there was “no scientific evidence of attacks.”
“The international press continues to intensely disseminate non-science-based explanations that confuse the public and harm US officials who believe them,” Dr. Mitchell Valdés-Sosa, director general of the Cuban Neuroscience Center, said.
Such claims, he added, present an obstacle to the thawing of relations between Cuba and the US.
With sympathy for anyone affected, this horse has apparently escaped the barn! Since any nation could use sonic weaponry, a “shield” of some kind looks like the answer.
“Speaking at a press conference in Havana, a panel of scientists convened by the Cuban government declared that claims of secret sonic weaponry were not “scientifically acceptable,” and there was “no scientific evidence of attacks.”
Kinda like the denial the ” virus” wasn’t lab created out of wuhan.
If they can’t kill you with ” vaccine shots” then try kill microwaves.
What a world we live in…
This is being reported in the mainstream media, so I suggest taking it with a grain of salt. Even if this story contains a kernel of truth, we can be sure it’s part of an agenda. Everything they report is.
absolutely lynnthoma, everything in the main stream farse has some motive behind it, of course this is to blame russians or chinnese.
These people fly and work in a constant barrage of 5G. They’re radiating themselves!
Psychosomatic? Subconcious guilt?
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And they cant find the ‘virus’ .. no one has ever isolated it !? And most flu’s and common colds are partially corona – been around for years and years. As far as killing off goes dont forget a lot of countries have the wonderful 5G towers going up. 5G is lethal to we humans – frightening stuff. Anyone who is vacc’d will be traced (Graphine Oxide in the jab/blood) with the help of 5G (which I was advised is connected to ‘the cloud’ where ‘ ‘their’ IT technology is. WHO KNOWS? The mind boggles.
Just a thought I wonder if the Taliban and ISIS have had their JAB!