The National Pulse has reportedly found reports that confirm CIA operatives aided in the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop.

The U.S. Congress’s Oversight and Weaponization committees have respectively confirmed swathes of 2020 National Pulse reporting into family business practices of President Joe Biden, revealing what appears to be an influence peddling grift involving his son Hunter as well as eight other family members.

The reports also confirm that the U.S. national intelligence apparatus aided and abetted the Bidens in covering up their links to Chinese Communist-linked entities that were paying massive amounts in exchange for political favors, as well as attempting to delegitimize the release of Hunter Biden’s laptop and its contents.

The Biden Family Grift.

The first memo, from Rep. James Comer, concludes:

According to a report on Congressional testimony, it has been revealed that the CIA solicited signatures for a letter regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop.

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